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Statistics: conversions (admins)
Daria Mamchenkova avatar
Written by Daria Mamchenkova
Updated over 4 months ago

In the Conversions slice of Statistics, you can see detailed information on conversions. You can change conversions' statuses, payouts, import new conversions or export them.

If you need to define the time between a user’s click and a conversion performed for a specific offer, affiliate, and in case of different offer’s goals, you can use the Time to action report. It can be extremely useful for highlighting potential fraud affiliates can send and detecting it on time.

💰 The Time to action report is available only for certain plans. Contact your Affise account manager to get the feature.

🔎 Read more about user permissions here.


The Conversions slice contains the table with conversions data, filters, and additional features.

In the Conversions table, you can see the following information:

  • Click ID: Affise click ID value for which the system registers the conversion.

  • Conversion ID: conversion ID. If an advertiser passes it to you via postback link by using the action_id parameter, the system records the same value in the ID column for the conversion. If an advertiser doesn't pass the conversion ID to you via a postback link, the ID is equal to the click ID of a conversion.

  • User ID: ID of a user. If an advertiser passes it to you via postback link by using the user_id parameter, the system records the same value in the User ID column for the conversion.

  • Click date: time and date when the user committed a click.

  • Conversion date: time and date when the user committed a conversion.

  • Time to conversion: time between click and conversion committing.

  • Updated at: date and time of the last conversion's update.

  • Promocode: promo code of the conversion.

  • Fbclid: Facebook click ID.

🔎 You may find the Info button next to status. Click it to learn what to do with declined conversions.

  • Payment status: status of the payment.

    • Paid: completed payment.

    • Waiting: waiting for payment.

    • Unpaid: payment is unpaid.

  • Comment: comment about the conversion or description of the reason for conversion rejection.

  • Advertiser: advertiser name.

  • Offer: offer (ID) name.

  • Affiliate: affiliate (ID) name.

  • Affiliate manager: affiliate manager name.

  • Goal: goal value and goal title (if it's set). If there are two values in this column, the upper one is the goal title, the lower one is the goal value. If your advertiser does not pass a goal value to you, the system records all conversions with goal=1 by default.

  • Revenue: sum paid to you by the advertiser (you can update or set it in the Offer's settings > Payouts > Total).

  • Payouts: sum paid to affiliate by you for one conversion (you can update or set it in the Offer's settings > Payouts).

⚠️ The Revenue and Payouts columns are equal to 0 only if the system rejects the conversion with the "Payments not found" comment or there are relevant settings in the offer. In other cases, the conversion contains money.

  • Afprice: sum your advertiser passed via a postback with the help of the sum parameter for one conversion. As a rule, the advertiser passes the sum parameter when you set a rev-share (percent) type of payment in the offer's settings. If you see "0", it means the advertiser didn't pass you the value in this parameter. Read more about afprice here.

  • Geo: user's IP. If the advertiser passed some IP via the ip parameter in the postback link, this IP appears in the column instead. The system shows the IPs from European countries, which accepted GDPR, partially as 92.151.38.XXX. Read more about it here.

  • Region: user's region.

  • OS: user's OS.

  • Device: user's device.

  • Mobile ISP: mobile Internet service provider.

  • Device User-Agent: user's device user-agent data.

  • Referrer: click source, where it came from.

  • Custom fields: values an advertiser got via the postback link. If an advertiser doesn't use these parameters in the postback link, you don't see any values in statistics.

💰 Extra custom fields (8-15) are available for additional payment. Contact your Affise account manager to get the feature.

  • SUB: values passed via the sub1-sub8 parameters in the Tracking URL.

💰 It's also possible to use sub9-sub30 parameters in the Tracking URL. Look at the plans it's available for and contact your Affise account manager to get the feature.

  • SUB (Encrypted): encrypted sub1-sub8 values. It is possible to pass encrypted values to the advertisers, which they won't be able to identify. See more information here.

🔎 You can use different filters to analyze the conversions faster and easier:

  • You have financial and anti-fraud filters.

  • To filter statistics by zero conversions, in the Revenue and Payout filters, enter "0".

  • You can filter not only by single offers, affiliates and advertisers but also by tags associated with them. For that, in the Offers/Advertisers/Affiliates filter, click By tag and select the needed tag:

If you want to get more information about a particular conversion, you can click the conversion ID and see detailed information about it:

You can use additional features in this slice:

Time to action

The Time to action slice contains the table with data, filters, and additional features.

To use the report, select the timeframe for which you want to sort the data, offer, affiliate, and goal.

⚠️ Offer is a required field. If you don't select the affiliate and goal, the system creates the report for all the affiliates who send traffic to the offer, and for all the conversions of all the goals set in the offer’s settings.

The report includes the following data:

  • Affiliate: affiliate name (ID) you check the report for.

  • Clicks: amount of all the clicks sent for a specific offer by a particular affiliate for a specified timeframe.

  • Total conversions: total number of conversions made for a specific offer by a particular affiliate for a specific goal (or all goals).

  • Conversions: number of conversions where the timespan between a click and a conversion equals the period in the brackets (<30s - less than 30 sec, 30-600s (10m) - 30-600 sec (10m), and so on).

Based on your report's results, you may notice some non-typical, fraudulent activity from some sources on time and change them if needed.

If you see such an activity, you can move further to the report that Affise prepares for you. It shows how disruptive performance fraud can be, illustrates the most common fraud types, and recommends fraud preventive measures.

You can use additional features in this slice:

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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