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Types of payouts
Natalya Yefimenko avatar
Written by Natalya Yefimenko
Updated over 4 months ago

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Types of payouts

Payouts are money, paid to your affiliates for impressions, clicks, or conversions. On Affise, you can choose among five types of payouts for all three types of data.

Each type supposes its own way of calculation of money, that's why it is crucial to understand, which type suits your needs, and how exactly the system calculates it. Some of types supposes using additional parameters on Affise postback, as well as additional skills of using Affise Statistics.

💰 CPC and CPM types of payments are available for clients of the Scale and Custom plans.

CPA (fixed)

CPA = cost per action. It supposes a fixed rate in pure currency. On Affise, you need to indicate a fixed amount of money, both for revenue and payouts.

Way of calculation: a conversion has same numbers (as the revenue and the payout), which you indicated in the offer.

Additional working with the postback link: not required.

Additional skills in Statistics: not required.

CPS (percent)

CPS = cost per sale (revshare model). It supposes a percent rate. On Affise, you need to indicate a number, which means the procent both for revenue and payouts per one conversion.

Way of calculation: the advertiser should send you the whole sum of money. Then the system calculates percent for both revenue and payouts from the sum of money sent by the advertiser.

Additional working with the postback link: you need to add the sum parameter to the Affise postback link, where the advertiser should pass the whole sum of money.

Additional skills in Statistics: the whole sum of money sent by the advertiser in the sum parameter is depicted as afprice in Statistics. It is 100% of money. Numbers you see in the Revenue and Payouts columns are calculated fixed sum of money according to the percent you set up in the offer.

An example: you set up 20% for Revenue and 60% for Payouts in the offer. The advertiser sent you 150$ as afprice. In Statistics, you will see 30$ as Revenue (20% of 150$) and 90$ as Payouts (60% of 150$).

RPS/CPA (mixed)

RPS/CPA = revenue per sale (revshare model)/cost per action. It supposes a mix of a percent and a fixed models. On Affise, you need to indicate a percent for revenue, and a fixed amount of money for payouts per one conversion.

Way of calculation: for the revenue the CPS way is used, for payouts the CPA way is used.

Additional working with the postback link: you need to add the sum parameter to the Affise postback link, where the advertiser should pass the whole sum of money.

Additional skills in Statistics: the whole sum of money sent by the advertiser in the sum parameter is depicted as afprice in Statistics. It is 100% of money. Numbers you see in the Revenue column are calculated fixed sum of money according to the percent you set up in the offer.

An example: you set up 30% for Revenue and 30$ for Payouts in the offer. The advertiser sent you 150$ as afprice. In Statistics, you will see 45$ as Revenue (20% of 150$) and 30$ as Payouts.

FTD/FTP (CPA/RevShare)

This type of payouts is extremely useful for iGaming and eCommerce verticals. It allows you to pay only for the first event.

  • FTD/FTP (CPA) = first time deposit/purchase (CPA model). The system accepts the first deposit/purchase. Subsequent events will have the Pending status.

  • FTD/FTP (RevShare) = first time deposit/purchase (RevShare model). The system accepts the first deposit/purchase. Subsequent events will have the Pending status.

The system defines users deposits by their click IDs. If you want to send only the first conversion to your affiliates, you can configure the affiliate postback to be sent for the Approved conversions only. You can also hide Pending conversions at all from the affiliate panel.

🔎 In case of Probabilistic attribution, the system can't find the user because action ID will always be different.

⚠️ If you are already passing multiple deposits or registrations from the same user (click ID), then you only need to use the FTD/FTP (CPA) or FTD/FTP (RevShare) payout type and that’s it.

If you aren't passing multiple events from the same click ID, then you additionally need to pass action ID along with click ID. It allows the system to accept these conversions and then move them to the Pending status. If you can’t pass action ID, then you should enable the Allow duplicate conversions without action ID checkbox in the offer so that the system generates action ID for you.


CPC = cost per click. It supposes a fixed rate in pure currency. On Affise, you need to indicate a fixed amount of money per one click, both for revenue and payouts.

🔎 You can select what the advertiser will pay for: clicks or hosts. Go to Settings > the Settings > Tracking and Trafficback.

Way of calculation:

  1. The click comes.

  2. The system checks all the reasons for sending it to the trafficback, including targeting groups and the Send hosts only flag.

  3. The system checks settings in the CPC is based on field.

  4. The system checks all the payouts in the offer.

    1. If there is no appropriate payout, the click/host will be registered, but unpaid.

    2. If there is at least one appropriate payout, the click/host will be registered, and the cost will be assigned to it.

Additional working with the postback link: not required.

Additional skills in Statistics: in the Traffic section in Statistics, you can see the Revenue column.


CPM = cost per mile. It supposes a fixed rate in pure currency. On Affise, you need to indicate a fixed amount of money per 1,000 impressions, both for revenue and payouts.

Way of calculation:

  1. The impression comes.

  2. The system checks all the reasons for not recording it.

  3. The system checks all the payouts in the offer.

    1. If there is no appropriate payout, the impression will be registered, but unpaid.

    2. If there is at least one appropriate payout, the impression will be registered, and the cost will be assigned to it.

Additional working with the postback link: not required.

Additional skills in Statistics: in the Impressions section in Statistics, you can see the Revenue column.

An example: you set up 1$ for Revenue and got 1900 impressions. Your total revenue is 1.9$ (1,900 * 1$ / 1000 = 1.9$).


Baseline is the amount the player needs to deposit before affiliates receive payout for the player. Baseline support helps you to set minimum deposit threshold to accept conversions. Only conversions meeting these criteria are accepted, enhancing the quality of conversions and aligning them more closely with your objectives.

Baseline types operate on the principle of mixed payouts. In revenue, it’s a percentage; in payouts - fixed. The sum is accumulated based on the values sent via the sum parameter.

💰 This option is available only for certain plans. Contact your Affise account manager to get the feature.

There are two baseline types:

  • One-time: rewards affiliates when a player makes a single deposit meeting your specified baseline threshold.

    An example: one-time baseline is $50 and if the player deposits $45 then the goal is not reached. If the player deposits $55, then the goal of baseline is reached.

  • Accumulating: rewards affiliates when players reach your threshold through multiple deposits over time.

    An example: the required accumulating baseline is $50. The player deposits $30, then $15 and finally, when they deposit another $10, the baseline is reached (total amount of payments is $55) and the payment is made to the affiliate. Payout for the affiliate is usually less for accumulating type of baseline than in one time baseline.

🔎 When selecting the baseline type, you should specify the baseline value in the Baseline field. After reaching this value, the conversion is accepted.

The system accepts the conversion only once after reaching the baseline:

  1. If the baseline is reached, then the conversion is created in the Approved status with the payout specified during the payout setup.

  2. If the baseline is not reached, then the conversion is created in the Pending status with the Baseline is not reached comment and 0 payout.

  3. All the subsequent conversions after reaching the baseline are created in the Pending status, 0 payout and the Baseline is reached comment.

⚠️ Payouts work for combinations of the same pid, offer ID, click ID, and goal. However, to distinguish between conversions, you need to send a unique action ID. If this isn’t possible, enable Allow duplicate conversions without action ID.

What to do next

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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