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Afprice value
Daria Mamchenkova avatar
Written by Daria Mamchenkova
Updated over 11 months ago

Afprice value

Afprice is a dynamic sum of money you get via the sum parameter from the advertiser in a postback link. It's used when the revshare or mixed model of payment is performed.

Afprice and offer settings

Afprice sum of money is used only when you apply the revshare (percent) or mixed type of payment (read more about it here). You can set up revshare or mixed type of payment in the offer settings (Offers > a certain offer > Payouts):

  1. In the Payment type field, select CPS (percent) or RPS/CPA (mixed) type of payment.

  2. Set Revenue and Payouts fields where:

    • Revenue: percent the advertiser paid to the Affise client for one conversion. As a rule, you should set 100 (meaning the advertiser sent 100% of the sum).

    • Payouts: percent the Affise client paid to the affiliate for one conversion.

Afprice and statistics

As the advertiser passes to you the afprice via sum parameter in the postback link, you can see this value in two places in Statistics:

  • Server postback slice (Statistics > Server postbacks > Postback parameters).

    You can click the data in this column to see all the data that the advertiser sent you.

  • Conversions slice (Statistics > Conversions).

If you don’t see this column, click Edit columns to select it.

🔎 If you don’t see sum in the Server postback slice, it means the advertiser did not send you this value. If you see "0" in Conversions slice, it might mean two things:

  • The advertiser did not send you the sum parameter at all (check the Server postbacks slice of statistics).

  • The advertiser sent you "0" in the sum parameter.

You can see the value the advertiser passed in the sum parameter in the Conversions slice when a conversion has any status of the existent ones:

  • Approved

  • Pending

  • Declined (by any reason)

  • Not found

  • Hold

For example, you set up the following settings in the offer:

The advertiser sent you 150 in the sum parameter. You get the following statistics, as 45 is 30% of 150 and 105 is 70% of 150:

Usually afprice ≠ revenue. The only case when it's possible is when you set up 100% in the Revenue field in the offer.

⚠️ If you set the CPA (fixed) type of payment, the system ignores the sum of money in the Afprice column.

🔎 You can edit a conversion, including values in the Payouts and Revenue columns. However, the value in the Afprice column will stay the same. Read more about conversion editing here.

Sending afprice value to the affiliate

The full list of macros available for the affiliate postback you can find here. There is no special macro for afprice value, but you can always use the following scheme:

  1. To receive afprice in one of custom_field parameters in addition to sum parameter.

  2. To send this value in the same custom_field macro to the affiliate via a postback.

Keep in mind that the macro sum for affiliate’s postback passes the sum of money you see in the Payouts column.

The affiliate does not see the afprice sum in their Affiliate panel statistics by default. To allow it, go to Settings > Affiliates > General. Select the Show afprice checkbox:

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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