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iGaming set
Natalya Yefimenko avatar
Written by Natalya Yefimenko
Updated yesterday

With the help of Affise Performance, you can not only optimize work with particular offers, advertisers, or partners, but also you can enhance working with the whole iGaming vertical using the feature set offered by Affise.

💰 Contact your Affise account manager to get the feature set as one pack.

Here is the set of features that you can use to work with iGaming vertical most effectively.

iGaming report

🔎 You can keep track of your iGaming metrics like reg2dep amount, CR, NGR, GGR, and many more on Affise to see how your business is performing.

To get the calculated metrics, you set up payouts for conversions with the correspondent goals (bet, win, deposit, bonus, etc.), and the system calculates them.

The feature is located in Statistics > iGaming in the Admin Panel.

Statistics Demo 2023-11-23 at 2.55.38 PM

Also, the report is displayed in the Affiliate Panel, where you set up the columns to be displayed.

iGaming 2023-11-23 at 7.37.52 PM

Custom fields ​

🔎 Affise can get any additional information from the gambling platforms and other sites via custom parameters, and this information can be included in the affiliate payouts.

Custom fields allow you passing and working with any custom values relevant for your iGaming offers.

By default, the Affise system offers you seven custom fields that you can use to get any values via the postback. Additionally, you can have eight more custom fields (custom_flield8 - custom_field15).

Custom fields have the following properties:

  • available in offer payouts where you can create more detailed payouts based on your custom values.

    Edit offer Demo 2023-11-23 at 3.03.36 PM

  • available in Statistics > Conversions and for export.

    Statistics Demo 2023-11-23 at 5.54.53 PM

    Statistics Demo 2023-11-23 at 6.00.14 PM

🔎 You can edit conversion custom fields via API.

  • available in the Affiliate panel > Statistics > Conversions.

    Conversions 2023-11-23 at 7.36.11 PM

iGaming dashboard in the Affiliate panel

🔎 Your affiliates can see their daily performance divided by certain iGaming events.

The affiliate panel dashboard widget can be customized with particular conversion types (goals) set up in your offers. This way, your affiliates see how they perform, for example, for registrations and deposits separately, not getting just an aggregated conversions number.​

Dashboard 2023-11-23 at 7.43.47 PM

In the Admin panel, in Settings > Affiliates > General, you select which conversions goals to reflect on the widget.​

Settings Affiliate dashboard design Demo 2023-11-23 at 7.55.24 PM

Сustom columns for iGaming statistics

🔎 You can use the power of customization by creating custom columns with unique formulas and selecting the perfect column type to fit your needs.

The feature is located in Statistics > iGaming > Set up custom columns in the Admin Panel.

Custom columns are very variable. You can choose their type, give them any needed title, add them to the dashboard and affiliate dashboard. The list of available formulas and operations is pretty extensive.

After creating a column, you can see it in the Custom columns table:

Custom dashboards

🔎 The dashboard page serves as a comprehensive and versatile analysis tool designed to simplify and enhance the way you interact with your data. It allows you to effortlessly visualize a wide variety of datasets, transforming raw information into meaningful insights through vibrant charts, and interactive tables.

With its user-friendly interface, you can customize and structure reports in ways that make the data more accessible and actionable.

There are no limits to the number of dashboards you can create, enabling you to organize and tailor your analytics to suit diverse projects, teams, or goals.

Baseline payouts

🔎 Baseline is the amount the player needs to deposit before affiliates receive payout for the player. With baseline support, you can set a minimum deposit threshold to approve conversions. Only conversions meeting these criteria are accepted, improving conversion quality and aligning them with your goals.

To find the feature, go to Offers > a certain offer > Payouts > Payment type.

Baseline types operate on the principle of mixed payouts. In revenue, it’s a percentage; in payouts - fixed. The sum is accumulated based on the values sent via the sum parameter.

There are two baseline types:

  • One-time: rewards affiliates when a player makes a single deposit meeting your specified baseline threshold.

  • Accumulating: rewards affiliates when players reach your threshold through multiple deposits over time.

FTD/FTP payouts

🔎 FTD/FTP payouts allow you to pay only for the first event, which is extremely useful in iGaming vertical.

  • FTD/FTP (CPA) = first time deposit/purchase (CPA model). The system accepts the first deposit/purchase. Subsequent events will have the Pending status.

  • FTD/FTP (RevShare) = first time deposit/purchase (RevShare model). The system accepts the first deposit/purchase. Subsequent events will have the Pending status.

The system defines users deposits by their click IDs. If you want to send only the first conversion to your affiliates, you can configure the affiliate postback to be sent for the Approved conversions only.

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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