Affise postback URL is a URL to pass conversion information to Affise from an advertiser. To set it up correctly, use Affise parameters listed below. After this, an advertiser is to add macros of the tracking solution they use.
Affise postback URL parameters
&clickid or &click_id | Click ID - mandatory parameter |
&action_id | Unique conversion ID in the advertiser's system |
&goal | Goal number or goal value |
&sum | Conversion revenue |
&ip | IP address of visitor who made a request (partially hidden by GDPR policy) |
&status | Conversion status:
&referrer | Referrer (additional information on traffic and deeplinks) |
&comment | Comment |
&secure | Hash password generated on offer, advertiser level |
&fbclid | Facebook click ID |
&device_type | Device type. Possible values: mediahub, mobile, ereader, console, tv, tablet, desktop, smartwatch |
&aimp_id | Affise impression ID |
&promo_code | Promo code |
&user_id | ID of a user |
&custom_field1 - custom_field15 | Additional parameters |
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