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Cross-postback link macros
Natalya Yefimenko avatar
Written by Natalya Yefimenko
Updated over a week ago

Cross-postback URL is a link used to send conversion info to any third-party place. A third party provides this link with the necessary parameters, and you are to update it with available Affise macros listed here.

Cross-postback URL macros

{clickid} or {click_id}

Click ID


Affiliate ID




Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)

{sub1} - {sub8}

SubId1 - SubId8


Device User Agent


Offer ID


Unique number (UUID format, eg: 9cdf32d5-124e-4e06-b25b-4c92d3cec9dc)


Time of click committing in UNIX format




Time of click committing in h:i:s format


Date of click committing in format y-m-d


Company name of the affiliate


The ID of the advertiser


Offer title


Click referrer


Promo code


Facebook click ID


User Agent of user browser


Additional macro


Additional macro

{ext1} - {ext3}

Additional macros


Conversion identifier of the advertiser


Date and time of conversion committing in format Y-m-d H:i:s


Date and time of click committing in format Y-m-d H:i:s


Offer identifier in the system


Conversion status, available values:

1 – conversion is "Approved"

2 – conversion is "Pending"

3 – conversion is "Declined"


Conversion payout







{custom_field1} - {custom_field7} or

{custom_field_1} - {custom_field_7}

Additional macros


OS Family


Unix timestamp of conversion creation in UTC


ID of a user

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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