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Billings for affiliates
Daria Mamchenkova avatar
Written by Daria Mamchenkova
Updated over 2 months ago

On Affise, you can generate billings (payments, invoices) for affiliates. The system automatically counts payouts in conversions and generates a billing you can give to affiliates. It helps calculate expenses to pay affiliates.

To work with billings for affiliates, go to Billing > Affiliates:

Billing section

You can view the following sections:

  1. Settings:

    • The Scale percentage option.

    • The Edit columns option.

    • The Export feature (read more about it here).

    • The Generate new button (read more about how to generate a billing here).

  2. List of filters.

  3. Table of existing billings.

In the table of existing billings, you can see the following fields:


  • ID: ID of the certain billing that you can find in the User logs.

  • Date: the date of the billing generation.

  • Affiliate: the certain affiliate whom the billing belongs to.

  • Manager: the affiliate manager who is assigned for the affiliate the invoice is generated for.

  • Payment system: payment system used for this billing.

  • Payment account: payment account information.

  • Payout: the sum of money and its currency.

  • Conversions count: conversions count.

  • Status: the status of the invoice. The list of statuses available on Affise:

    • Waiting: the invoice is prepared, but not completed. You can edit, delete it, view the details, conversions included, and download the version in the .PDF format.

    • Completed: the invoice is closed. You can view the details, conversions included, and download the version in the .PDF format.

    • Partly paid: the invoice is prepared, but not completed.

    • Declined: the invoice is closed.

    • Send to Tipalti: the invoice is sent to Tipalti (only if you set Tipalti integration).

    • Waiting payment Tipalti: the invoice can be in this status if a client set it by themself or the system changes it after making a request to Tipalti.

    • Payment is being proceeded (in case of Affise Pay): the system sent the request to the payment provider, and it is being analyzed and executed.

    • Deferred (in case of Affise Pay): there is an issue with the payment. It may be connected with incorrect data submitted by the affiliate, a need for a KYC check on the affiliate, or a number of other reasons that come from our payment provider. Contact support to solve the issue.

  • Note: the note, written in the Note field.

  • Comment: the comment, written in the Comment field.

Actions with billings

You can perform varied actions with billings:

  • View: view the detailed information about the invoice.

  • Download PDF: export the certain invoice.

  • Edit: edit the invoice (for invoice in any status but Completed).

  • Send to Tipalti: send to Tipalti (only if you set Tipalti integration).

  • Change status: change the invoice status (for invoice in any status but Completed).

  • Complete: change the invoice status to Completed (for invoice in any status but Completed).

  • Delete: delete the invoice (for invoice in any status but Completed).

Affise also allows you to change the status of the certain invoice, complete, and delete it via bulk actions:

Getting billing details

To get more details about the billing, click the ellipsis and then click View. You see the invoice preview page:

You can find two sections: General and Conversions.


Contains the main details about the invoice and the Invoice detailing table.

In the Invoice detailing table, you can see the following columns:

  • Title: offer title.

🔎 If you edit the offer title in the future, you cannot see any changes on the billing view page, the downloaded invoice, and the Affiliate panel. If you delete the offer, the relevant string is empty.

  • Count: total number of conversions included in the billing.

  • Price (currency): the total sum of payouts. You can see several strings for the same offer. It depends on the number of payouts set up in a certain offer in the Payouts section.

🔎 For example, the offer contains two different goals with two different payouts. If the affiliate has payable conversions for both goals, the system shows two strings with the sum of money.

  • Total (currency): the certain sum of money paid under the payout met by the affiliate in the certain conversion.

🔎 If the payout is less than 0.0001, the system rounds it to the tenth decimal. If the payout is equal to 0.0001 or bigger, the system rounds it to the fourth decimal.


Contains the list of conversions included in the billing.

If you click the offer name, the system leads you to the offer view page. You can click the conversion ID to see the conversion view page.

Also, you can watch statistics on these conversions by clicking the Watch statistics button.

Editing option

To edit the billing, click the ellipsis and then click Edit. You can see the edit page:

Billing Affiliate Affise demo 2024-10-17 at 2.12.02 PM

You can change the details regarding payment account, status, and note in the correspondent fields.

⚠️ The information you write in these fields does not influence the sum of money and the process of actual billing payment. This information appears in the .PDF version of the billing, on the billing view page, and on the billing page on the Affiliate panel.

At the bottom of the page, you can find the Change sum option:

You can add the needed amount of money to the billing with the note. The system allows you to delete this sum until the billing has the Complete status.

Billing generation

To find a guide on how to create a billing, go here. You can also let the system generate billings automatically. Read how to automate a billing here.

Billing and payment systems

Before starting work with billings, an affiliate should choose a payment system in the relevant currency (Profile > Payment system > Add payment system).

If affiliates have several payment systems for the same currency, they can choose the main payment system. If there is no main payment system, the system uses the upper latest payment system by default. After creating the billing, it becomes visible on the Affiliate panel in the Payments section.

On the Affiliate edit page, you can add a payment system. The system pulls the list of available payment systems from the list of payment systems in Settings > Content > Payment systems.

Billing and statistics

To check which conversions you already paid for, go to Statistics > Conversions. You can see the Payment statuses filter:


  • Unpaid: conversions, not included to the billing.

  • Waiting: conversions, included to the billing with any status, except Complete.

  • Paid: conversions, included to the billing with the Complete status only.

Billing and affiliate balance

There are the following columns on the Affiliates list page:


  • Balance: includes payouts for conversions with the statuses selected in the Conversion status in Affiliate’s balance field in Settings > Affiliates > General.

  • Hold: includes payouts for conversions with the Hold status only.

  • Payout: includes payouts for conversions with the Approved status only. You can pay only the sum in the Payout column.

In these columns, the system reflects the sum of money for unpaid conversions only (conversions, not included in the billing).

Once you generate the billing for the certain affiliate, the system charges off the sum of money included in the billing in these three columns. As the billing includes payouts for conversions with the Approved status, the payouts for conversions in the Hold status remain in the Balance and the Hold columns. If you delete the billing, the system returns the sum of money to all three columns.

🔎 The system updates the sum of money in all three columns every five minutes.

⚠️ If the affiliate doesn't have the Active status, the balance remains at the point when the affiliate became banned or not active.


You can use the Affiliate billing logs to check the logs for different actions performed with affiliate billing.

To find billing logs, go to Billing > Affiliates > Logs:

Here, you can filter data by date, users, type, and affiliate. To watch details, click the Show details button. A window with a new value appears.


You can use the Tipalti plugin when working with billings. Tipalti is a reliable global partner payment automation system. Its solution transforms your payment process into a lean financial operation that scales rapidly and works smarter in a few clicks. Read more about it here.

What to do next

Please contact Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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