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Affiliate balance
Natalya Yefimenko avatar
Written by Natalya Yefimenko
Updated over 11 months ago

An affiliate balance is a tool for analyzing affiliate payouts or money, which they have already earned and haven't been paid yet. The system provides three columns with numbers, which depend on statuses of conversions, shown per affiliate.

This tool helps work with statistics and billings for affiliates, showing how much money you owe your affiliate and how much money they earned in general. This feature has connection with other components of the platform.

Affiliate balance

You can find affiliate balance here: Affiliates > Affiliates Management.


  • Balance: the column contains a sum of money for all conversions, which have statuses, indicated by the Conversion status in Affiliate's balance option. You can find the option here: Settings > Affiliates > General.

  • Hold: the column contains a sum of money for conversions with the Hold status.

  • Payouts: the column contains a sum of money for conversions with the Approved status.

The system considers only unpaid conversions. Numbers don't contain payouts for conversions, which you already paid to the affiliate.

Since you can have more than 1 active currency, the system shows sums of money in all active currencies.

Connection with other features


The numbers in all three columns are taken from Affise Statistics. The system calculates all payouts and shows it in columns in relevant columns.

Billings for affiliates

Since the system considers only unpaid conversions, billings for affiliates also have a connection with the affiliate balance: the system makes a request to billings to understand, which conversions are already paid. If conversions are included in the billing with any status except Complete, the system will calculate them and show in the affiliate balance. If the billing has the Complete status, its conversions' payout are not shown in the affiliate balance. Read more about billing and affiliate balance here.

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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