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Offer/advertiser/affiliate list
Daria Mamchenkova avatar
Written by Daria Mamchenkova
Updated over a month ago

On Affise, you can find the lists of offers, advertisers, and affiliates. You can sort the table in an ascending or descending order, filter entities by different criteria, and perform various actions with them.

Offer list

You can find offers in the Offers section:


  • 1: you can manage the scale, view logs, export offers, edit columns, and get back to the old Affise design.

  • 2: you can create a new offer.

  • 3: you can search for the needed offers, filter them, and refresh the table.

  • 4: the offer table.

  • 5: the actions you can perform with an offer:

    • Edit offer

    • Edit note: your affiliates don't see the note.

The offer list:

  • ID: the internal ID of the offer in your Affise instance.

  • Title: the offer title.

  • Categories: the offer category (vertical).

  • Advertiser: the advertiser, who the offer belongs to.

  • Affiliates: the number of affiliates connected to the offer.

  • Status: the offer status.

  • Privacy: the offer privacy level.

  • Link Checks: the result of the link checking by Affise Checker.

  • CR weekly: the conversion rate calculated for a week. It is calculated each six hours and displayed for the last seven days.

  • Cap: shows whether the offer has at least one cap rule.

  • Daily limit: the progress of the first cap in the offer, which has the following settings: Timeframe = Day, Goal=All, Countries=All, Affiliate=All. If the cap covers at least one conversion, you see a progress bar, which the system updates in real time.

  • Total limit: the progress of the first cap in the offer, which has the following settings: Timeframe = All, Goal=All, Countries=All, Affiliate=All. If the cap covers at least one conversion, you see a progress bar, which the system updates in real time.

  • Last day: the number of conversions of all statuses for yesterday.

  • Today: the number of conversions of all statuses for today.

  • Payout: the sum of money paid to your affiliates, indicated in the first general payout in the offer.

  • Revenue: the sum of money the advertiser pays, indicated in the first general payout in the offer.

  • Note: the internal note (not visible for your affiliates).

  • Start at: the date, which you can set up in the Start at field on the General tab in the offer.

  • Tags: the offer tags.

  • Countries: all countries, indicated in the first general targeting group in the offer.

  • Top: shows whether the offer has the Top offer checkbox selected.

  • External Offer ID: the external offer ID. It appears if you imported the offer, or if CPAPI pulled it to Affise (in this case it has the ID in the advertiser system).

  • Account manager: the account manager of a certain offer.

Advertiser list

You can find advertisers in Advertisers > Advertisers management.


  • 1: you can get back to the old Affise design, manage the scale, work with the Registration link, import and export advertisers, and edit columns.

  • 3: you can search for the needed advertisers, filter them, and refresh the table.

  • 4: the advertiser table.

  • 5: the actions you can perform with an advertiser:

    • Statistics

    • Edit advertiser

    • Delete

The advertiser list:

  • Company: the company name.

  • Email: the advertiser email.

  • Contact person: the advertiser contact person.

  • IM/Skype: the advertiser IM/Skype.

  • Manager: the advertiser manager.

  • Offers: the advertiser offers.

  • Registered at: the date and time when the advertiser was registered.

  • Cap: shows whether the advertiser has at least one cap rule.

  • Tags: the advertisers tags.

Affiliate list

You can find affiliates in Affiliates > Affiliates management.


  • 1: you can get back to the old Affise design, manage the scale, import and export affiliates, and edit columns.

  • 3: you can search for the needed affiliates, filter them, and refresh the table.

  • 4: the affiliate table.

  • 5: the actions you can perform with an affiliate:

    • Edit affiliate

    • Change status

    • Edit tags

    • Delete

An affiliate list:

  • ID: the affiliate ID.

  • Company name: the affiliate company name.

  • Status: the affiliate status.

  • Manager: the affiliate manager.

  • Referral partner: the referral partner.

  • Tags: the affiliate tags.

  • CPA/Revshare:

    • Balance: the sum of money for all conversions, which have statuses, indicated by the Conversion status in Affiliate panel's statistics option (Settings > Affiliates > General). Read more about the Affiliate balance.

    • Hold: the sum of money for conversions with the Hold status. Read more about the Affiliate balance.

    • Payouts: the sum of money for conversions with the Approved status. Read more about the Affiliate balance.

💰 Separate CPA and RevShare balance are available only for certain plans. Contact your Affise account manager to get them.

  • Notes: the note about this affiliate.

  • Registered at: the date and time when the affiliate was registered.

  • Country: the affiliate country.

In the affiliate list, you can also see custom columns which contain information affiliates specify when signing up:

To add them to the table, click Edit columns and select the needed checkboxes.

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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