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Offers log
Daria Mamchenkova avatar
Written by Daria Mamchenkova
Updated over 11 months ago

You can use the Offers log feature to check the logs for different actions users performed with offers. You can find detailed information about who made some particular changes, when and what a user changed.

Offers log section overview

To find the Offers log section, go to Offers > Logs:

Logs section includes two tabs:

  • Bulk changes: see logs on all types of bulk actions.

  • Single changes: see logs on all types of single actions.

⚠️ You need to have Write permission for Advertisers editing. Check out your permissions here: Users > Users Management > a certain user > Permissions > Users.

Bulk changes

You see the logs window, where you can filter by date, advertisers, offers, affiliates and type of bulk actions.

Filter for affiliates works for each type of action, where the affiliate might participate:

  • Edit payouts

  • Edit caps

  • Assign affiliate

To watch details, click the Watch details button. A window with a new value appears.


  • Action type: the type of bulk actions.

  • Condition: relevant for Edit payouts and Edit caps types of actions. Possible values:

    • Add: when you add a new payout/cap to existing ones.

    • Replace: when you replace old payouts/caps for new ones.

    • Delete: when you delete all payouts/caps from the offer.

  • Changed by: the email of the user, who performed the action.

  • Offers: all the offers, which one action was applied for at once. For example, if you changed privacy for ten offers at once, you see only one record per all offers in logs.

⚠️ If you deleted offers via bulk actions, you see a separate record per each offer in logs.

  • New value: changes applied to offers.

Single changes

You see the logs window, where you can filter by date, offers, users, action type, and changed field.

To watch details, click the Show details button. A window with a new value appears.


  • Changed object: the changed offer.

  • Action type: the type of action.

  • Changed by: the email of the user, who performed the action.

  • Title: the changed entity.

  • Old value: the offer's value before changes.

  • New value: changes applied to the offer.

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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