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Import data (admins)
Daria Mamchenkova avatar
Written by Daria Mamchenkova
Updated over a month ago


Import tool helps you work with a massive number of affiliates, advertisers, conversions, and promo codes. You don't need to create them manually and spend a lot of time on it.

The importing process for affiliates, advertisers, conversions, and promo codes is the same. See how it works on the example of importing conversions.

⚠️ Be careful when working with the import option. Make sure you upload the file correctly. If you uploaded the list of conversions in the wrong way, you’ll have to edit the whole list manually.

To work with the import feature, you must have special permissions. Read about it here.

Step 1. File creation

  1. Create the file with all the data about the conversions you need. You must enter each data type in a separate column:

  2. Save the file.

⚠️ The requirements you should take into account:

  • The file must have .CSV format.

  • The data in the file must have the semicolon ( ; ) or a comma ( , ) separator.

The whole process of file creation might look like that:

Step 2. Scenario selecting

  1. In Statistics > Conversions, click Import.

  2. Select the needed scenario.

Fill in the required and optional fields. Each scenario has its own required fields. You must fill all of them to import your file.

Scenario: Import conversions

Required fields:

  • Offer ID: internal offer ID.

  • Affiliate ID: ordinal Affiliate ID can be taken from the list of affiliates in the Affiliates section on your instance.

  • Conversion ID: action ID passed to you by your Advertiser via postback or any other ID you need to register the conversion under. Conversion ID can be a conversion ID in the advertiser's system, a conversion ID from the tracking platform you used in the past or another value.

⚠️ When you import conversions without click ID, you will see "0" in the Time to conversion column of Conversion slice in Statistics.

Optional fields:

  • Click ID: click ID which conversion was made on.

  • Goal: goal value that exists in your instance and is set in the payouts' settings of the offer.

  • IP: IP the conversion belongs to.

⚠️ If you make an import using click ids, the IP a click is made from, and the one you have in your file must be the same. Otherwise, the import won’t take place. If you do not use the click id value in your import, you can use any IP you need.

  • Status: conversion status.

⚠️ You must write the status with digital values (Approved - 1, Pending - 2, Declined - 3, Hold - 5).​

  • Comment: note (use UTF-8 file encoding only).

  • Created at: date of a conversion creation (YYYY-MM-DD format). If you don't mention any date in the file, the system imports the conversions for the day when the import takes place.

  • Sum: a sum the advertiser pays for conversion. Use this field when a percent type of payment in the offer's settings takes place. Once you import the sum, the system calculates conversion revenue and payout based on the amount of sum in the file.

⚠️ Don't use the sum for a fixed type of payment. Once the offer has fixed type of payments, the system automatically assigns conversion revenue and payout based on the payouts' settings (GEO, Device, Goal, etc.)

  • Custom field 1 - Custom field 7: custom fields.

⚠️ When importing conversions without Click ID and IP, and with certain goal values, the system considers the first payout set up in the offer, regardless of goals in the import file. In the case of the CPS or RPS/CPA type of payments, the system shows the numbers dependent on the Afprice value as 0.

  • Promocodes: the promocode of the conversion.

Scenario: Import registered

Required field:

  • Click ID

🔎 A conversion id in the advertiser's system, conversion ID from the tracking platform you used in the past, a click ID, or another value can be used as a conversion ID.

Find the description of all the fields in the section above.

Scenario: Update

Required fields:

  • Offer

  • Conversion ID

  • Status

  • Click ID

  • Affiliate ID

⚠️ Keep in mind the following:

  • If the conversion has a click ID and conversion ID, it's mandatory to specify these values when importing.

  • You are to specify the Goal field in the file that you upload to Affise, if you want to update conversions with a goal value different from the default one - 1. Otherwise, the system creates new conversions.

🔎 You can update conversions with click ID and without offer ID.

Find the description of all the fields in the section above.

Scenario: Mixed mode

You can add new conversions and change the conversion's status of the conversions at a time.

Required fields:

  • Affiliate ID

  • Offer ID

Optional parameters you can include:

  • Goal ID

  • Status

  • Sum

  • Comment

  • IP

For example, you need to change the statuses of three existed conversions for clicks that have never been registered (1) and add two new conversions (2):

The required fields are Offer ID and Affiliate ID.

Step 3. File importing

  1. Optional. Select the Import with headers checkbox, if you have a header (name) for each type of data in the first row of the file. The system carries out the import from the second row.

  2. Click Choose file and pick up the needed file. A matching window appears. It might look like that:

  3. Match values in the .CSV file (the From your file column) and types of data on Affise (the In our system column). The system takes the data from columns one by one.

  4. Click the Approve column button to confirm the matching.

  5. Optional. If you want the system to ignore the values in the column, click the Exclude column button.

  6. Review the matching. If you want to change the arrangement, click the Back to edit mode button.

  7. Optional. If you want to send affiliate postbacks for imported conversions, select the correspondent checkbox.

  8. Click the Create ... new rows button to import conversions.

Conversions import can take some time if it involves a big amount of data.

You can check your user activity logs to see if the import was successful. Read more about the User logs here.

If you have any problems with importing, read Import troubleshooting.



When importing advertisers, you must fill in the following required field:

  • Company: advertiser’s company name.


When importing affiliates, you must fill in the following required fields:

  • Email: affiliate’s email.

  • Country (ISO): country where the affiliate performs their activity.

⚠️ Be careful when working with these two optional fields:

  • Status: if you do not specify your affiliates' status in your file, the system import the affiliates with Not active status by default.

  • Referral percent: the percent must be between 0 and 100.

On the step 3, when matching the files, select the correspondent checkbox to send a welcome email to imported affiliates. Your import file must contain a company name. Otherwise, the system will not send the email.

Promo codes

When importing promo codes, you must fill in the following required fields:

  • Affiliate ID: affiliate’s ID.

  • Code: promo code name.

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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