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User permissions
Natalya Yefimenko avatar
Written by Natalya Yefimenko
Updated over 7 months ago

When you create users, the system gives them default permissions according to their type: General manager, Account Manager, or Affiliate manager.

⚠️ When you change the type of user, user permissions also change to the default ones of the user type you select.

In this article you can find all user permissions.


Permissions are located here: Users > User management > a certain user.

Users Management _ Rocketcompany - Google Chrome 2022-08-11 at 2.28.20 PM

Permissions can be:

  • Read: a user is allowed to view a specific slice. 📄

  • Write: a user is allowed to perform a particular action. ✒️

  • Deny: a user is not allowed to view a specific slice or to perform a particular action. 🚫



What it allows

Advanced antifraud

You have access to Automation > Advanced Anti-fraud

Affise checker

You have access to Automation > Affise Checker



What it allows

Ad costs

You have access to the Offer preview > Ad costs section

Affise Pay

You have access to the Settings > Payment systems > Affise Pay


You have access to the Billing section (Profile > Billing)


You have access to the Marketplace section


You have access to the Settings section



What it allows

User subscription

You have access to the Notifications section



What it allows

Account manager stats

You have access to Statistics >

General > Account Managers

Advertisers stats

You have access to Statistics >

General > Advertisers

Affiliate manager stats

You have access to Statistics >

General > Affiliate Managers

Affiliate postbacks

You have access to Statistics >

General > Affiliates postbacks

Affiliates stats

You have access to Statistics >

General > Affiliates

All account managers statistics

You can select any account manager to filter statistics

All affiliate managers statistics

You can select any affiliate manager to filter statistics

Browser stats

You have access to Statistics >

General > Custom > Browser and Browser version

Cities stats

You have access to Statistics >

General > Cities

Clicks list

You can see a clicks list in the Daily-type slices of Statistics > General. Also, you can do click-related activities, for example, use the Testing tool, as it helps create test clicks.

Connection type stats

You have access to Statistics >

General > Connection Type

Conversions export

You can export conversions from the Conversions slice of Statistics > General.

Conversions list

You have access to Statistics >

General > Conversions. Also, you can do conversions-related activities, for example, export conversions.

Countries stats

You have access to Statistics >

General > Connection Type

Custom stats

You have access to Statistics >

General > Custom

Daily stats

You have access to Statistics >

General > Daily

Device brand stats

You have access to Statistics >

General > Device brand

Events stats

You have access to Statistics >

General > Events

Export stats

You can export data in the Daily-type slices of Statistics > General.

Fraud report

You have access to Statistics > Fraud report

Goal stats

You have access to Statistics >

General > Goals


You can import conversions in

Statistics > Conversions

Landing stats

You have access to Statistics >

General > Landing

Mobile carrier stats

You have access to Statistics >

General > Mobile ISP

OS stats

You have access to Statistics >

General > OS

Offers stats

You have access to Statistics >

General > Offers

Prelanding stats

You have access to Statistics >

General > Custom > Prelanding

Referrals stats

You have access to Statistics >

General > Referrals

Retention rate

You have access to Statistics >

General > Retention rate

Server postbacks

You have access to Statistics >

General > Server postbacks

Smartlink stats

You have access to Statistics >

General > Smartlinks

Sub1 stats

You have access to Statistics >

General > Custom > Sub

Sub2 stats

You have access to Statistics >

General > Custom > Sub 2

Trafficback stats

You have access to Statistics >

General > Trafficback



What it allows

Account managers editing

You can manage Account managers in Users > Users Management

Advertisers/offers editing

You can manage Advertisers in Advertisers > Advertisers Management. Also, you can do advertiser-related activities, for example, work with their offers.

You can manage Offers in Offer > Offers Management. To grant permissions, switch the option from Advertisers to Offers edditing:

Affiliate managers editing

You can manage Affiliate managers in Users > Users Management

Affiliates editing

You can manage Affiliates in

Affiliates > Affiliates Management. Also, you can do affiliate-related activities, for example, work with their offers.

General managers editing

You can manage General managers in Users > Users Management

Presets editing

You can work with presets in Users > Permissions Presets

Users list

You have access to the list of all users in Users > Users Management

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail:

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