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General manager
Natalya Yefimenko avatar
Written by Natalya Yefimenko
Updated over 7 months ago

On Affise, you can create different types of users: General manager, Account manager, and Affiliate manager. These users have different functions and permissions to work with the Admin panel.

Who is General Manager

Users Management _ Rocketcompany - Google Chrome 2022-08-11 at 10.48.04 AM

A General manager is a key user of your Admin panel. When you start creating users, your first Admin panel user is always a General manager. If you create more General managers to work with the platform, your first General manager is a leading one.

⚠️ You can't change the e-mail of your first user manually, as it's connected to billing. Contact your Affise account manager to change it.

A General manager has administrator rights and can manage other users.

Default permissions

By default, the General manager has access to all sections and all statistics in the Admin panel. Also, a General manager has access to the user edit page. They can give or limit the permissions of other users.

Below you can find details on all the specific permissions available to a General manager by default.



General manager

Advanced antifraud

🚫 Deny

Affise checker

🚫 Deny



General manager


🚫 Deny

Affise Pay

✒️ Write


✒️ Write


✒️ Write



General manager

User subscription

✒️ Write



General manager

Account manager stats


Advertisers stats


Affiliate manager stats


Affiliate postbacks


Affiliates stats


All account managers statistics


All affiliate managers statistics


Browser stats

🚫 Deny

Cities stats


Clicks list

🚫 Deny

Connection type stats


Conversions export

🚫 Deny

Conversions list

✒️ Write

Countries stats


Custom stats


Daily stats


Device brand stats


Events stats


Export stats

🚫 Deny

Fraud report

🚫 Deny

Goal stats



✒️ Write

Landing stats


Mobile carrier stats


OS stats


Offers stats


Prelanding stats

🚫 Deny

Referrals stats


Retention rate


Server postbacks


Smartlink stats

🚫 Deny

Sub1 stats

🚫 Deny

Sub2 stats

🚫 Deny

Trafficback stats




General manager

Account managers editing

✒️ Write

Advertisers editing

✒️ Write

Affiliate managers editing

✒️ Write

Affiliates editing

✒️ Write

General managers editing

✒️ Write

Presets editing

✒️ Write

Users list


⚠️ When you change the user type from General Manager to Account Manager, the system sets the permissions the user had on the previous role.

If you want to work with API, the API key of a General manager suits you to work with all the API requests. Also, take this API key if you want to set up integrations with 3-rd party systems.

What to do next

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail:

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