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Export: errors and solutions
Daria Mamchenkova avatar
Written by Daria Mamchenkova
Updated over 11 months ago

The export option allows you to export specific information to the file of the .CSV format for your personal needs. This article describes the errors you might have while working with export.

Before you begin

No Export button

No matter which data you want to export, if you don't see the export button, you must have the right permissions in Users > User Management > Edit page of a certain user > Permissions:

  • Statistics
    To export Statistics data, you must have the following permission: Statistics > Export stats > Read.

  • Conversions statistics

    To export Conversions statistics, you must have the following permission:

    • Statistics > Export stats > Read.

    • Statistics > Conversions export > Read.

  • Affiliates

    To export data on all affiliates, you must have the following permission: Users > Affiliates editing > Write.

  • Advertisers
    To export data on all advertisers, you must have the following permission: Users > Advertisers editing > Write.

  • Offers

    To export data on all offers, you must have the following permission: Users > Advertisers editing > Write.

Timeframe limits

Export of three types of data has limits on time frames:

  • data on conversions in the Conversions slice of Statistics: 62 days.

  • data on clicks in the detailed click Statistics: last 7 days.

  • data on postbacks in the Server postbacks and Affiliate postbacks slices of Statistics: last 90 days.

If you try to export the data for a longer period, you see the error message like that:


Solution: export the data for the allowable period.

Errors in Exports section

When you run export, you can see the status of the process in the Exports section:

  • In progress

  • Finished

  • Aborted

  • Bad request

Aborted status

This status appears when you try to export data on conversions in the Conversions slice of Statistics, but don't have relevant permissions.

Solution: get the following permissions:

  • Statistics > Conversions list > Read/Write

  • Statistics > Conversions export > Read

  • Statistics > Export stats > Read

Bad request

This status appears when you try to export clicks/conversions data in Statistics.

Reason №1: you inserted more than 100 values in a filter box. You can see these values in Statistics, but the system cannot process their export.

The following filters have limits on values regardless of the Statistics slice:

  • Affiliates

  • Advertisers

  • Offers

  • Countries

  • Devices

  • OS

  • Smartlink

  • Goals

  • Conversion ID

Solution: insert less values.

Reason №2: you exceeded the time frame limits.

Solution: make time frames shorter. Read more about it here.

Fewer lines in the file than on Affise

Sometimes in the .PDF file, you might see fewer lines than you see on Affise. The reason may be the incorrect file opening process. To avoid it, you may try to open it with Google Sheets:

  1. In the Google Sheets, start a new spreadsheet by selecting the Blank option.

  2. Click File and select Import.

  3. On the Upload tab, upload the file by clicking Browse or dragging the file.

  4. Select the file on your device and open it.

  5. In the window, specify import location, select the comma separator type, unselect the checkbox, and then click the Import data button.

In this table, you will see the exact number of lines that you see on Affise.

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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