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Conversion uniqueness
Natalya Yefimenko avatar
Written by Natalya Yefimenko
Updated over a week ago

Conversion uniqueness determination

Three categories in the following scenarios define the uniqueness of conversion on Affise.

1. If a conversion has the action ID (conversion ID) value passed by the advertiser via a postback, the system defines the uniqueness of conversion by:

  • goal: goal value (goal).

  • action ID: unique conversion ID in the advertiser's system (action_id).

  • offer ID: offer ID.

If you want to receive unique conversions for the same click ID, you are to add the action_id parameter to the postback URL. In this case, the uniqueness of a conversion is determined by the conversion ID rather than the click ID. The system doesn't decline conversions with the message "Conversion exists".

Postback URL example with action_id for a default goal:{clickid}&action_id={adv-macro-for-action-id}

Postback URL example with action_id for a non-default goal :{clickid}&action_id={adv-macro-for-action-id}&goal={event-name}

If an advertiser sends postbacks with a different click ID, but the same action ID, the system doesn't register conversions. The postback has a validation error and the comment "Conversion exists". The system ignores the click ID when it defines the conversion uniqueness.

2. If a conversion does not have the action ID (conversion ID) value passed by an advertiser via a postback, the system defines the uniqueness of a conversion by:

  • offer ID: unique Offer ID.

  • goal: goal value (goal).

  • click ID: unique click ID (clickid).

In this case, when you receive postbacks for different conversions with the same click ID, only the first postback is successful. All other postbacks have a validation error and the comment "Conversion exists".

3. In the case of view-through attribution, the system defines the uniqueness of conversion by:

  • impression ID (instead of the click ID): unique Affise impression ID.

  • offer ID: unique Offer ID.

  • goal: goal value (&goal).

4. In the case of promo code tracking, the system defines the uniqueness of conversion by:

  • promo code (when you use the flow with the promo code only): the promocode that you use.

  • action ID (if the advertiser passed it): unique conversion ID in the advertiser's system.

  • click ID (when you use the flow with the click ID): see step 1 and 2 above.

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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