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Affise <-> Kochava
Natalya Yefimenko avatar
Written by Natalya Yefimenko
Updated over 10 months ago

Before you begin

To start the integration, contact a Kochava representative and ask for integration possibilities.

The tracking process between Affise and Kochava is based on probabilistic attribution.

🔎 Find Kochava integration documentation here. This document provides the details of the integration on the Kochava side.

Kochava tracking URL

Set up a Kochava tracking URL to send information about clicks to Kochava.

  1. Add the following Kochava parameters and Affise macros to the Kochava tracking URL:

  • click_id={clickid} - Affise click ID value. A mandatory parameter.

  • site_id={pid} - ID of your affiliate. A mandatory parameter for iOS applications.

  • sub_site_id={offer_id} - ID of your offer. A mandatory parameter for iOS applications.

  • att={sub7} - this macro should contain 1 for end-users who gave their consent to the processing of personal data and 0 for those who haven’t. A mandatory parameter for iOS applications.

  • ad_platform={sub6} - your type of traffic (for this value you can use any of the free sub accounts). A mandatory parameter.

  • creative_id={sub2} - your sub source.

  • att_time={time} - time of the click creation in UNIX format.

🔎 Find the list of Affise macros here.

2. In Offers > a certain offer > Tracking, put the updated tracking URL into the Tracking URL field.

Edit offer _ Boomlet Media - Google Chrome 2022-10-12 at 1.59.04 PM

Kochava tracking URL example:

http://kochava_tracking_url? 2click_id={clickid}&site_id={pid}&sub_site_id={offer_id}&creative_id={sub2}&ad_platform={sub6}&att={sub7}&att_time={timestamp}

Affise postback URL

You can set up two types of Affise postback URLs based on your needs: application installation postback and event postback.

Affise postback URL should contain Affise parameters and Kochava macros.

Application installation postback example:{click_id}&action_id={click_id}&offer_id={sub_site_id}&pid={site_id}&timestamp={timestamp}&sub2={creative_id}&country={user_country}&att=0/1

Goal (event) postback example:{click_id}&action_id={click_id}&offer_id={sub_site_id}&pid={site_id}&timestamp={timestamp}&sub2={creative_id}&country={user_country}&att=0/1&goal={event_name}

The mandatory parameters are:


Offer ID


Affiliate ID


Possible values: 1 and 0. 1 indicates it is an ordinary integration. 0 indicates it is Probabilistic Attribution.

You can use the following parameters in the postback link:


Unique conversion ID in the advertiser's system


Goal number or goal value


Country where the conversion was made. Use Alpha-2 ISO codes (FR, RU, DE, etc.)


Time of click creation in Unix format


Sub1-sub7 values, which help to select the right payout in the offer in case of Probabilistic Attribution


OS of the end user, who created the conversion. Use these values: ios/android.


Conversions status:

1 - Approved

2 - Pending

3 - Declined

5 - Hold


Conversion revenue



custom_field1 - custom_field7

Additional information about conversions

Postback receiving

If a conversion comes with the click ID and att=1 or 0, the system attributes it to a certain click.

If a conversion comes without the click ID and with att=0, it means probabilistic attribution works. A conversion should also have other parameters: offer_id and pid. This allows the system to attribute the conversion to a certain offer and affiliate.

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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