Once you've received the tracking URL from your advertiser, you need to set up the S2S integration correctly on Affise.
Before you begin
Set up tracking URL
Place an advertiser tracking URL to your offer: Offers > a certain offer > Tracking > Tracking URL.
Update the Tracking URL with Affise macros to pass some additional info.
The macros should correspond to advertiser parameters.
🔎 To get an accurate list of advertiser parameters, contact your advertiser directly.
Tracking URL example:
⚠️ It is mandatory to pass the click ID value via the advertiser tracking URL.
Set up postback URL
Generate a postback.
a. Get a postback template in Offers > a certain offer > Postbacks > Integration pixels > S2S (Postback).
b. Also, you can get a postback template in Advertisers > a certain advertiser > General > S2S (Postback).
2. Update the Postback URL with Affise parameters.
3. Further, you should add advertiser macros.
🔎 To get an accurate list of advertiser macros, contact your advertiser directly.
Postback URL example:
⚠️ It is mandatory to get the click ID value via the Affise postback URL.
4. Send the postback URL to your advertiser. They need to place it in their tracking system.
🔎 On Affise, there are two ways to send postbacks:
Via GET method: works by setting a URL with all the parameters in the query string. This method is described above.
Via POST method: works by submitting parameters in the head instead of in the query string. In this case, you can use the Cross-postback option. Read more about it here.
What to do next
Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].