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Set up S2S integration with affiliates
Natalya Yefimenko avatar
Written by Natalya Yefimenko
Updated over 9 months ago

Once you set up S2S integration with an advertiser, you need to set up S2S integration with your affiliate.

Before you begin

Set up tracking URL

  1. On the offer preview page, click Get tracking link.

  2. In the Choose affiliate drop-down list, select an affiliate.

  3. Optional. In the Choose landing drop-down list, select the landing.

  4. Optional. In the Choose prelanding drop-down list, select the prelanding.

  5. Optional. If you use a tracking domain, that allows both HTTP and HTTPS protocols, enable the Use SSL option to have https://, and disable it to have http://.

  6. Optional. If you use a shortlink, select the Use Shortlink checkbox.

  7. Optional. If you want to test the link, select the Test link checkbox.

  8. Optional. Click Generate QR code to generate a QR code.

  9. Update the tracking link with Affise parameters to pass some additional info.

  10. Your affiliate provides macros for this link.

🔎 To get an accurate list of affiliate macros, contact your affiliate directly.

11. Click Send link to send the Affise tracking link to your affiliate. Also, an affiliate can get it in the Affiliate panel on the offer page.

Set up postback URL

  1. Receive a postback URL from your affiliate to send them information about conversions.

  2. Update the postback with Affise macros.

  3. Add the postback to the Affise system. You can add the local postback for a certain offer to several places:

    1. In the Affiliate panel > Offers > a certain offer.

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    2. In the Admin panel > Affiliates > Affiliate Management > a certain affiliate.

    3. In the Admin panel > Offers > a certain offer > Postbacks.

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🔎 On Affise, there are two ways to get postbacks:

  • GET method

  • POST method

The postback link example:{clickid}

Set up a global postback

On Affise, you can set up a global postback, which is a common postback for all offers for a particular affiliate.

You can add the local postback for a certain offer to several places:

  1. In the Affiliate panel > Settings > Global Postbacks.

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  2. In the Admin panel > Affiliates > Affiliate Management > a certain affiliate.

When you add a postback, you need to fill in the following fields (they can differ depending on where you add a postback):

  • Offer: select a particular offer to set a postback for. - for a local postback

  • Affiliate: select a particular affiliate to set a postback for. - for a local postback

  • Integration method:

    • All: for conversions coming within all types of integration.

    • Default: for conversions coming within ordinary S2S or C2S integrations.

    • Probabilistic attribution: for conversions coming within Probabilistic Attribution integration.

  • URL: URL for the postback with the HTTP/HTTPS protocol.

  • Status: postback is sent for conversions with the following statuses:

    • Any: for all the created conversions and after any status changes.

    • By creating: for all the statuses of just created conversions.

    • Approved: for Approved conversions only.

    • Pending: for Pending conversions only.

    • Declined: for Declined conversions only.

    • Hold: for Hold conversions only.

  • Goal (title): the goal title. - for a local postback.

  • Value: the goal value appears automatically after you choose the goal title. - for a local postback.

  • Force global postback sending: used to redirect traffic to the global postback URL if it doesn't suit the restrictions of the local postback. Read more

    here. - for a global postback.

🔎 You can remove postbacks from the affiliate edit page in bulk. To do that, click Remove all postbacks.

What to do next

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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