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Perform an S2S integration test with advertisers
Natalya Yefimenko avatar
Written by Natalya Yefimenko
Updated over 10 months ago

The Integration test helps you understand whether you set up all the links and the whole offer correctly, and whether all redirects work well.

There are two general steps:

  • Tracking URL work: you check whether a publisher's tracking link leads to your tracking URL.

  • Postback URL work: you check whether you receive information about conversions consistently and without errors.

Once you set up an offer, Affise recommends you to perform integration tests.

Before you begin:

Test S2S integration

Do a manual test to make sure you get a conversion when an advertiser sends it.

Tracking URL test

  1. In your offer, make sure you updated the advertiser tracking URL with all the necessary parameters and macros.

  2. On the offer preview page, generate the Affise tracking link. You need it to check whether this link leads to your tracking URL, which you have in the Tracking URL field.

  3. Go to Affise Checker or a similar service, where you can check redirects.

  4. Test the link. As a result, you need to get a direct redirect with no additional links in-between.

An example:

The offer has the following links:

A correct result in Affise Checker:

Automation - Affise Checker _ Rocketcompany - Google Chrome 2022-08-16 at 6.30.24 PM

The test is successful if the tracking link leads directly to your tracking URL. The system created a click ID, and it passed in your tracking URL.

Postback URL test

  1. In your offer, make sure you updated the postback URL with all the necessary parameters and macros.

  2. Add the click ID value to the postback URL. You have this click ID in Statistics after a tracking URL test.

  3. Fire a postback in your browser and see it in Statistics > Server postbacks.

  4. Check whether a test was successful or not by checking the Response column:

"-" - Affise accepted a postback, and the system registered the conversion.

"Validation error" - Affise accepted a postback, but the system didn't register the conversion due to some postback error.

Test by an advertiser

Once you tested your integration on Affise, make sure your advertiser can send you conversions from their system.

The flow is similar to the one described above, just your advertiser generates a test conversion:

  1. Check whether an advertiser tracking URL and Affise postback URL contains all the necessary parameters and macros.

  2. Generate an Affise tracking link. Check it for redirects in Affise Checker or a similar tool.

  3. Send an Affise tracking link and postback URL to your advertiser. Ask them to perform the test on their side.

  4. Check Server postbacks for successful conversions.

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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