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Statistics: goals and events (admins)
Daria Mamchenkova avatar
Written by Daria Mamchenkova
Updated over a month ago

In Statistics, there are three slices that can be helpful when working with goals. This article describes the difference between them and shows in which cases you should use the exact slice.

💰 The Events report is available only for certain plans. Contact your Affise account manager to get the feature.

Read about user permissions to the slices here.


By using the Goals report, you can analyze the performance according to the specific goals. You can see which goals were more than others during a certain period. It's also possible to filter the data for a particular affiliate.

How to use

To see the Goals slice, go to Statistics > Goals:


  • Offer: choose the exact offer.

  • Period: choose the time you want to check the data for.

  • Timezone: choose the timezone.

  • Affiliate: choose the exact affiliate whose performance you want to check.

  • Currency: choose the currency.

  • Goal: choose the certain goal (relevant when the offer contains several goals).

  • Hold: choose if you want to see data with or without Hold.

You can click the number in the Qty column to get to the Conversions slice of Statistics and view the whole list of these conversions.

⚠️ Keep in mind the following peculiarities:

  • If the offer has both general and personal payouts with the same goal value, but different goal titles, only one goal title appears on the list.

  • If you delete a payout with some certain goal, its title will be back to Undefined. You can still track the goal value of the deleted payout. Look at the following example:

In this report, you can see how many conversions in each status have the goal "install" (1 conversion in Declined status, and 14 conversions in Approved status), and view their revenue, payouts, and earnings.


For verticals such as Gambling, E-commerce, Education, it can be extremely useful to analyze user’s performance in addition to the performance of affiliates.

Events report is a pivot table: a flexible feature that allows you to aggregate data according to several categories of information at once. It serves to create high-performing campaigns and get a full picture of your audience’s behavior within your product or service. It also helps get a deeper understanding of sales through the analysis of achieved goals.

Events report can help you understand which users bring more income than the others, which users leave right after registration, etc. By using it, you can analyze statistics not only for goals, but also for conversions details (Advertiser, Offer, Affiliate, sub-accounts or custom fields).

🔎 The Events report is an improved version of the Goals report. Use the Events report if you need a deeper understanding and analysis of the performance.

How to use

To see the Events report slice, go to Statistics > Events:


1: general filters for specifying the data you want to see statistics for:

  • Based on: the filter according to which the system groups the data and creates the report (Advertiser, Offer, Affiliate, User ID, sub-accounts or custom fields).

  • Offer: you can specify the offer you want to get statistics for.

  • Advertiser: you can specify the advertiser you want to see statistics for.

  • Period: you can specify the time you want to see statistics for.

  • Timezone: you can specify the timezone you want to get statistics for.

2: the Add filters button, which you can use to set additional filters.

3: the data according to the criterion you choose in the Based on filter (e.g., Offer, Custom Field 1, Sub1).

4: the data shows how many conversions the system registered in certain events, and how much revenue each event generated.

⚠️ If there is no title for the goal value assigned for the conversion, you see "Undefined" as a title.

  • QTY: the number of conversions on a particular goal.

  • Revenue: the revenue on this goal.

5: the total information about all events:

  • Total QTY: the quantity of all conversions.

  • Total NULL: the null conversion’s quantity.

  • Total Revenue: total conversion's revenue.

  • Total Payouts: total conversion’s payouts.

  • Total Earnings: total conversion’s earnings.

To create the report, you must apply all mandatory filters (Choose Offer and Choose Advertiser filters).

⚠️ If you specify neither the offer nor the advertiser, the system disables the other filters.

In the Based on filter, you should select the criterion based on which the system will group the data and create the report (Advertiser, Offer, Affiliate, Sub-accounts or Custom fields). If you need any additional filter, apply it.

The report might look like that:

In this example, you see the data, grouped by User ID, that shows how many conversions the system registered and how much revenue each event (i.e. goal) generated: Install, Registration, etc. for each User ID.

Affiliates can view the Events statistics in the Affiliate panel. If you don't want to share some specific data with them, you can disable the Show custom fields at the Events statistics report checkbox (Settings > Affiliates > General). It is responsible for showing custom fields on the Statistics page.

Retention rate

Retention rate is the tool that helps you analyze how successful your campaign is based on the retention rate performance. It shows the percent of users who come from one goal to another. For example, you can view the percent of users who made a deposit after registration or who registered after installation.

How to use

To see the Retention rate report slice, go to Statistics > Retention rate.

To create the report, you must select the offer, primary goal, and metric goal.

⚠️ Make sure the chosen offer contains at least two goals.

The report might look like that:


  • Affiliate: ID of the affiliate who has clicks and conversions for the offer.

  • Install: number of the conversions the system registered with the goal "Install".

  • Registration: percent (%) of the conversions which have been resulted in "Registration".

In this example, you can view the data of the offer with two goals: "Install" and "Registration". The report shows that 6 conversions (which is 50%) out of 12 conversions for "Install" eventually resulted in "Registration".

In all three slices of Statistics, you can use the Get link and Export data.

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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