Affiliate panel customization
As the Admin panel user, you can adjust the Affiliate panel to your needs. On Affise, you can customize the way your affiliates work with their panel: starting from registration and finishing with a custom design. You can decide whether your affiliates see certain information blocks, how they work with offers and statistics, etc.
Registration customization
In Settings > Affiliates > Registration, you can use the options to customize the registration of your affiliates.
Add sign-up fields: you can set up the fields that your affiliates fill in or select during registration.
Registration in Affiliate Network: you can select the status of registration.
Enabled: any affiliate can register without moderation on the affiliate sign-up page. After registration, an affiliate gets an e-mail with a confirmation letter. Once an affiliate follows the link in a confirmation letter, their status changes from Not active to Active in the Admin panel.
Disabled: no affiliate can register. You can add affiliates manually or via the import option. You can type a text in the Text for disabled registration field to let your affiliates know that the system disables the registration currently.
Pre-moderation: any affiliate can register on the affiliate sign up page. After registration, an affiliate gets an e-mail with a confirmation letter. Once an affiliate follows the link in a confirmation letter, their status changes from Not active to On moderation in the Admin panel. After, you allow or disallow registration requests individually.
🔎 Check how many affiliates are waiting for your approval on your Dashboard > Affiliates info.
Disallowed countries for registration: you can ban registration for affiliates from certain countries. You can type a text in the Notice for disallowed countries field to let your affiliates know that the system disables the registration currently.
💰 This option is available by request. Contact your Affise account manager to get the feature.
In Settings > Affiliates > General, you can:
Enable captcha for register form: this option allows adding CAPTCHA for a registration form of affiliates.
Design customization
In Settings > Affiliates > Design, you can customize the design of the affiliate panel selecting the theme of the Affiliate panel. Read more about it here.
In Settings > Content > Pages, you can customize the static pages in the Affiliate panel footer. They can be filled in with additional information for affiliates and with links to external resources, for example, the Affiliate network forum or tracker integration FAQs.
You can name, save, delete a category, and change its position in the footer:
In the Pages section, you can choose which type of content should be there: Content or Link. To add the link, click Edit.
Offers and tracking customization
To customize the way your affiliates work with offers and tracking, use the options below located in Settings > Affiliates > General.
Show TOP offers: the setting allows showing the top six offers in the Affiliate panel > Dashboard.
Hide tracking links: you can hide all tracking links for offers with SmartLinks.
Hint for partner description field: you can set a message your affiliates see while applying for offers in pre-moderation status.
Hide caps: you can hide caps on the offer page in the Affiliate panel and via API. This option is also available on the offer level in Offers > a certain offer > Caps.
Hide CR: you can hide CR from the affiliate interface (offer page and statistics).
Hide EPC: you can hide EPC from the affiliate interface (offer page and statistics).
Hide offers: the option allows hiding offers in the affiliate interface: offer list, menu, statistics, and top offers.
Forbid the affiliates from changing the postback status: you can forbid your affiliates to change the postback status on the offer page in the Affiliate panel. This option is also available on the offer level in Offers > a certain offer > Postbacks.
Forbid the affiliates from changing and uploading global & local postbacks: you can forbid your affiliates to add global and local postbacks on the offer page in the Affiliate panel. When you activate the option, affiliates still see their postbacks and can delete them.
Send affiliate postback for any conversion changes: you can let your affiliate receive a postback on any change in the conversion. When this option is OFF, a new postback is sent for conversion status change. When this option is ON, a new postback is sent for any conversion change (status, revenue, comment, etc.).
Allow affiliates to import conversions via API: you can let your affiliates create conversions via API. Enable the checkbox and enter the affiliates who are allowed to import conversions. When the affiliates who aren't selected in the field try to import conversions, they see the "Access denied" error. If you enable the checkbox, but don't specify any affiliates, all of them can import conversions.
Show custom fields on the Event report at the affiliate panel: you can manage the visibility of the custom fields in statistics in the affiliate panel.
💰 The feature is available by request. Contact your Affise account manager to get the feature.
Show conversions with these goals: you can select up to two specific goals in the field, and the system shows them on affiliate dashboard.
🔎 This feature is extremely useful for iGaming clients. You can select important industry metrics, such as the Registration and Deposit, and affiliates will have a clearer, more tailored view of their performance.
Statistics customization
There are several options in Settings > Affiliates > General to customize statistics in the Affiliate panel.
Show afprice: you can show the afprice value to your affiliates in the Affiliate panel > Statistics > Conversions.
Conversion status in Affiliate panel's statistics: you can select the statuses of conversions you want an affiliate to see in the Affiliate panel > Statistics (Conversions columns, Finances columns, and the Conversions slice).
The system calculates CR in Statistics in the Affiliate panel for conversions of the selected statuses only. This option doesn't influence the Total column in Finances in Statistics: the system depicts only Approved and Hold conversions there.
Even if you set up an affiliate postback for all statuses, your affiliate sees conversions with the statuses selected in this setting only.Show custom fields at the Events statistics report: this option allows affiliates to see custom fields at the Events statistics report in the Affiliates panel.
Balance and billing customization
There are several options in Settings > Affiliates > General to customize affiliates' billings and balances in the Affiliate panel.
Conversion status in Affiliate’s balance: you select statuses of conversions you want to show in Affiliate's balance both in the Admin and Affiliate panels.
Affiliate postbacks can't be set up only for selected conversion statuses.
💰 This option is available only for certain plans. Contact your Affise account manager to get the feature.
Partner Invoice Auto-generation schedule: allows replacing the manual work with invoices and reduces the risk of mistakes. Here you can set up a rule for invoices auto-generation:
Disabled: disable auto-generation.
Weekly: the system generates invoices each Monday at 00:01 for the previous calendar week.
Bi-weekly: the system generates invoices each Monday at 00:01 for the previous two calendar weeks.
Monthly: the system generates invoices the 1st day of the new month at 00:01 for the previous calendar month.
Support and information customization
In Settings > Affiliates > Support, you can specify such information as the manager's contact details, support email, working schedule, and affiliate network social accounts.
Also, there is a setting where you can select an Affiliate manager who is assigned to your affiliates by default.
💰 This option is available only for certain plans. Contact your Affise account manager to get the feature.
In Settings > Affiliates > Documents, you can customize the main documents.
Privacy Policy: you can add a Privacy Policy for your affiliates to accept.
Terms and Conditions: you can add Terms and Conditions for your affiliates to accept.
All affiliates should accept updated Terms and Conditions: when you activate the option, your affiliate should accept the Terms and Conditions after any update. Affiliates can't log into the panel without accepting them.
In Settings > Affiliates > General, there are some options to customize information depiction on the Affiliate panel.
Links: additional links you can place on the header/footer/profile menu/main menu.
Use manager name at ticket comments: you can allow displaying the manager's name near the comment on the ticket.
Other customization
In Settings > Affiliates > General, there are options to manage the general settings of the Affiliate panel.
Affiliate network default language: you can select the default language for the Affiliate panel.
Available languages: you can select available languages for the Affiliate panel.
Analytics Code: you can add any code to analyze the activity of your affiliates or to customize the Dashboard in the Affiliate panel.
Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].