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Affise <-> Facebook (Meta)
Natalya Yefimenko avatar
Written by Natalya Yefimenko
Updated this week

Before you begin

Before you start setting up the integration, you need to create an offer and affiliate for this integration. Since you set up the Affise tracking link on Facebook, it works as your affiliate.

Facebook is the source of large amounts of traffic. There are limitations in running campaigns with 3rd-party links, but you can still buy traffic if you are using tracking platforms like Affise.

Set up an Affise tracking link on Facebook

To set up a campaign on Facebook with the Affise tracking link, follow the guide below:

  1. Set a custom tracking domain on Affise. To work with Facebook traffic, you need to buy a domain and add it as a custom tracking domain in the Affise account.

  2. Create a Facebook advertising campaign:

    1. In your Facebook ads account, click + Create.


    2. Select Traffic as your marketing objective and set a campaign name.

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    3. Set a name for the Ad set and your Ad. Click Continue.


    4. On your Ad set page, select Website as your income traffic destination.

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    5. Set up campaign targeting. Make sure you set up targeting for your ad the same as in the Affise offer.



    6. Apply additional settings for budget and schedule.


    7. On the Ad page, connect to your Facebook and/or Instagram account. Select the format for your Facebook campaign and upload Creatives.

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    8. On Affise, generate a tracking URL on the offer preview page, and use this link as a Website URL for the ads campaign:


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    9. Make a final review of your created ad. When ready, click Publish and wait for Facebook moderation completion.

Set up a Facebook pixel on Affise

⚠️ You can send an event to Facebook via pixel only if you are integrated with advertiser via pixel too. In case of S2S integration with advertiser, use Facebook cAPI integration.

To set up a campaign with a Facebook pixel, follow the steps below:

  1. Open Facebook Events Manager.

  2. Click Connect data, select Web and click Connect.

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  3. Add the name for your pixel.

  4. Enter your website URL and click Continue.

  5. Once you add the pixel, you can manage it in your account. Click Continue Pixel Setup > Install Code Manually to copy the pixel.

    Facebook pixel example:

    <!-- Meta Pixel Code --><script>!function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s){if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function(){n.callMethod?n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)};if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0;t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window, document,'script','');fbq('init', '1097762514111429');fbq('track', 'PageView');</script><noscript><img height="1" width="1" style="display:none"src=""/></noscript><!-- End Meta Pixel Code -->

🔎 See the detailed guide on how to work with Facebook pixel, manage events, set up partner integrations, etc.

6. When you copied the pixel, you can send it directly to your affiliate. Also, you can add a pixel on the offer page on the Affise Affiliate panel:

  1. Click Add Pixel.

  2. In the appeared window, indicate the name, insert your pixel in the Code field and select its type (javascript).


⚠️ Since you integrate with your partner using JavaScript pixel, you need to integrate with your advertiser using JavaScript pixel as well.

7. Check the activity on your pixel in your Events Manager account.

Events Manager - Google Chrome 2022-06-20 at 5.32.07 PM

🔎 If you work with Facebook Business Manager, follow this guide to work with pixels there.

Set up Facebook Conversion API (Meta CAPI) integration

⚠️ Now you can connect one Facebook account to one affiliate.

To set up Facebook conversion API integration (Meta cAPI), do the following:

  1. In Affiliates > a certain affiliate > Postbacks, click Add new postback.

  2. Select the Meta CAPI tab.

  3. In the Access token field, add your add the API access token.

  4. In the Pixel ID field, add the ID of your pixel.

    Affiliates Affise demo 2024-10-14 at 1.32.05 PM

    On the Facebook side, read how to find access token and pixel ID here.

  5. You can also indicate the general settings:

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    1. Select a specific offer to apply integration to, or leave it global.

    2. Select the integration method:

      • All: for conversions coming within all types of integration.

      • Default: for conversions coming within ordinary S2S or C2S integrations.

      • Probabilistic attribution: for conversions coming within Probabilistic Attribution integration.

    3. Select status of conversions to be pushed to Facebook:

      • By creating: for all the statuses of just created conversions.

      • Approved: for Approved conversions only.

      • Pending: for Pending conversions only.

      • Declined: for Declined conversions only.

      • Hold: for Hold conversions only.

  6. In the Meta event name field, specify the event name you created in the Meta Ads Events Manager.

  7. In the Event source URL, specify the URL where the conversions will occur.

🔎 Note that we use the Meta action_source parameter with the website meaning by default for conversions sent from Affise.

8. Set up custom event data and map user data with Affise macros if necessary.
Custom Event Data is the section used to pass information about the purchase, in case the event corresponds to a sale. In the Value dropdown, you can choose from the list of postback macros the macro in which you received sale amount.
Currency is filled with the default currency of the conversion, in case you specify some value in the Value field.

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Example mapping:

Facebook Parameter

Affise Macro

Match Description

em (Email)

Any free custom_field1-15 macro

No direct match in Affise macros.

ph (Phone Number)

Any free custom_field1-15 macro

No direct match in Affise macros.

fn (First Name)

Any free custom_field1-15 macro

No direct match in Affise macros.

ln (Last Name)

Any free custom_field1-15 macro

No direct match in Affise macros.

db (Date of Birth)

Any free custom_field1-15 macro

No direct match in Affise macros.

ge (Gender)

Any free custom_field1-15 macro

No direct match in Affise macros.

ct (City)


User's city.

st (State)

Any free custom_field1-15 macro

No direct match in Affise macros.

zp (Zip Code)

Any free custom_field1-15 macro

No direct match in Affise macros.

country (Country)


User's country.



ID of the user.



User's IP address.



User agent of the browser.

fbc (Click ID)


Facebook click ID.

fbp (Browser ID)

Any free custom_field1-15 macro

No direct match in Affise macros.

9. Click Add new postback to save the setup.

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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