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Affise <-> Google Ads
Natalya Yefimenko avatar
Written by Natalya Yefimenko
Updated over a week ago

Before you begin

Google Ads is an online advertising program where you can create online ads to reach people interested in the products and services that you offer.

There are different ways to launch campaigns in Google Ads through Affise:

  • Parallel tracking

  • Direct link tracking

  • Regular link tracking

🔎 With this integration, you can only get conversions on the Affise end. To send conversions back to Google Ads, use the Affise <-> Zapier <-> Google Ads integration.

Parallel tracking

Parallel tracking is an alternative to common tracking, which aims, according to Google, at speeding the load time.

Set up Google Ads campaign

  1. Log in to your Google Ads account.

  2. Click the Settings tab.

  3. Click the campaign link for the settings you want to edit.

    Campaign settings - Playxio - Google Ads 2022-05-17 at 2.08.20 PM

  4. Click the Overview tab, and then click the Edit icon.

    Overview - Playxio - Google Ads 2022-05-17 at 2.10.05 PM

  5. Сlick Edit campaign.

    Overview - Playxio - Google Ads 2022-05-17 at 2.13.46 PM

  6. Open the Ads section. Click the Edit icon to see the detailed Ads settings.

    Edit search campaign - Playxio - Google Ads 2022-05-17 at 2.18.53 PM

  7. Insert the advertiser tracking URL (for example, offer landing page) into the Final URL field.

  8. Go to Ad URL options.

    1. Insert the Affise tracking link for the Google Ads integration into the Tracking template field.

    2. Add gclid={gclid} to the Final URL Suffix field. The system adds it to the end of your final URL.

    3. Add custom parameters if needed.

⚠️ In Affise tracking link, you mustn't modify any parameters after &redirection_url parameter since it violates Google transparency policy and the link will not be operating properly.

S2S parallel tracking on Affise

  • In the case of S2S parallel integration, affiliates should set up a tracking link on their side.

  • Once the system tracked {gclid} via the Affise tracking link and recorded it in Affise as ref_id, you need to receive it back via the advertiser postback:{gclid}

🔎 If Affise clickid value is already associated with {gclid}, you can avoid receiving both of them via an advertiser postback. Affise can fetch the gclid value through the recorded clickid value, and vice versa.

Pixel parallel tracking on Affise

  • For pixel integration, your advertiser needs to set up an image, JS, or iFrame pixel on the success page. This helps retrieve the click ID value for a conversion on Affise.

  • In addition to the common pixel setup, your advertiser is to set up the JS script on the landing page.


Direct link tracking

This method allows you to track clicks when they reach your landing page. You don't need to have clicks via the Affise tracking link.

The method uses Affise JavaScript (Direct) to remove the traditional redirect that comes with a tracking link. This improves the user experience and allows affiliates to promote through channels that prohibit third-party links.

Google Ads settings

The beginning of the integration is the same as for parallel tracking. Follow steps 1 - 6 of the guide, and then do the following:

  1. Insert the advertiser tracking URL (the landing page) into the Final URL field.

  2. Add the pid parameter with the pid value instead of the {pid} macro to the link.

Pixel integration settings on Affise

  1. In Offers > a certain offer > Postbacks, take the JavaScript (Direct) pixel.

    Edit offer Rocketcompany 2022-05-17 at 4.47.59 PM

  2. Set the first code on the offer landing page after the opening <body> tag.

  3. Put the pid={pid} parameter to the URL of the landing page (enter the affiliate pid instead of {pid} macro to define an affiliate). Since you don't use an Affise tracking link, the system determines the affiliate at this stage.

    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">async function cid(){let e=new URLSearchParams("pid");return null===e?null:fetch(""+e+"&offer_id=144281&format=json").then(e=>e.json())}function sc(e){let c=new Date;c.setTime(c.getTime()+(365*24*60*60*1000)),document.cookie="affclick="+e+";expires="+c.toUTCString()+";path=/",localStorage.setItem("affclick",e)}(async()=>{const e=await cid();null!==e&&sc(e.clickid)})();</script>

  4. Set the second code on the offer success (thank you) page.

    <!--Offer Conversion: offer name -->
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">var afoffer_id = 144281;</script>
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <!-- End Offer Conversion -->

Regular link tracking

This is the fastest and easiest way to set up Google Ads tracking. It only requires an Affise tracking link in the Final URL.

Google Ads settings

The beginning of the integration is the same as for parallel tracking. Follow steps 1 - 6 of the guide, and then do the following:

Insert an Affise tracking link into the Final URL field.

⚠️The tracking link you insert into the Final URL field should have a custom tracking domain.

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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