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Affise <-> Zapier <-> Google Ads
Natalya Yefimenko avatar
Written by Natalya Yefimenko
Updated over 10 months ago

Before you begin

Before you start setting up the integration, you need to create an offer and affiliate for this integration.

Affise <-> Zapier <-> Google Ads integration

Affise <-> Google Ads integration allows getting conversions on the Affise end. You can send conversions back to Google Ads only manually.

To automate sending conversions from Affise back to Google Ads, you can use Zapier as an in-between tool. This is an extension of Affise <-> Google Ads integration.

The integration works the following way:

  • You need to pass Google click ID to Affise. This is crucial for passing conversion info based on click ID back to Google Ads.

  • Then, you set up offline conversion actions in Google Ads to automatically import conversions based on Google click ID later. This setting allows connecting Google Ads to Zapier.

  • You can use Zapier webhook as an affiliate postback on Affise. This helps pass conversions from Affise to Zapier. Also, you set up sending offline conversions to Google Ads.

  • Once a postback comes to Affise, Zapier webhook fires, and conversion info passes to Google Ads.

Google Ads settings

Pass Google click ID to Affise

  1. On Affise, copy the tracking link from your offer preview page.

  2. Insert the link into your Google Ads campaign.

⚠️ Pass {gclid} via sub1-sub8 parameters.


Set up offline conversion actions

  1. In Tools and Settings, select Conversions.


  2. Click New conversion action.


  3. In the Start tracking conversions menu, select Import > Other data sources or CRMs > Track conversions from clicks.


  4. Select other options based on your tracking goals.

  5. In the Import offline conversions drop-down, select API.


Zapier settings

⚠️To use automation in Zapier, you need a premium subscription.

Connect Zapier to Affise

  1. In your Zapier account, click Create Zap > Webhooks by Zapier.

  2. In the Event drop-down, select Catch Hook.

    Screen Recording 2022-08-03 at PM

  3. Continue setting up to get Your webhook URL. Copy the URL.

    Screen Recording 2022-08-03 at PM

  4. On Affise, add the webhook URL as an affiliate postback on the offer edit page.

    Pass the gclid and timestamp parameters. Test the postback.

    Postback example:{sub1}&timestamp={timestamp}

    Screen Recording 2022-08-03 at PM

  5. Test trigger. Below you see a successful test result.

Connect Zapier to Google Ads

  1. Create a delay of 24 hours.

    Google Ads requires a 24-hour delay for offline conversion data.

    Screen Recording 2022-08-03 at PM

  2. Select Google Ads as an app, and Send offline conversion as an event.


  3. Connect your Google Ads account.

  4. Set up and test action.


    As a result, you see conversions from Affise in your Google Ads statistics.

Articles _ Affise _ Intercom - Google Chrome 2022-08-03 at 1.29.23 PM

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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