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Set up pixel integration with advertisers
Natalya Yefimenko avatar
Written by Natalya Yefimenko
Updated over 11 months ago

Before you begin

Set up pixel integration

  1. In your offer, set up a Tracking URL on the Tracking tab. In pixel integration, this URL usually leads to an advertiser's product or service. It is not necessary to add additional parameters and macros to the tracking link. But if you want to receive some information via this link, you can add any parameters and add Affise macros to them.

  2. On the Postbacks tab, select the necessary pixel type. Update it with additional parameters, if necessary.

Edit offer _ Rocketcompany - Google Chrome 2022-08-18 at 2.38.57 PM

⚠️ Pixel tracking is based on a cookie file integrated into the Affise tracking domain. Make sure you use the same tracking domain in the Affise pixel and Affise tracking link. This ensures the correct work of a cookie file and the whole integration.

Example of using additional parameters for Image pixel:

<!--Offer Conversion: Offer123 -->
src="{afid}&afprice={afprice}&afgoal={goal}&afua={useragent}&afcomment={comment}&afstatus=1&afsecure=ff87d311f555f103683dc49b6ff393a2&custom_field1={extra_data}&custom_field2={extra_data}" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>
<!-- End Offer Conversion -->

Example of using additional parameters for JS pixel:

<!--Offer Conversion: Offer123 -->
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">var afoffer_id =802;
var afid={afid};
var afprice={afprice};
var afgoal={goal};
var afua={useragent};
var afcomment={comment};
var afstatus=1;
var afsecure=ff87d311f555f103683dc49b6ff393a2;
var custom_field1={extra_data};
var custom_field2={extra_data};
<script language="javaScript" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!-- End Offer Conversion -->

Example of using additional parameters for Iframe pixel:

<!--Offer Conversion: Offer -->
<iframe src="{afid}&afprice={afprice}&afgoal={goal}&afua={useragent}&afcomment={comment}&afstatus=1&afsecure=ff87d311f555f103683dc49b6ff393a2&custom_field1={extra_data}&custom_field2={extra_data}" height="1" width="1" />
<!-- End Offer Conversion -->

Example of using additional parameters for Adwords pixel:

<!--Offer Conversion: offer123 -->
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var afid={afid};
var afprice={afprice};
var afgoal={goal};
var afua={useragent};
var afcomment={comment};
var afstatus=1;
var afsecure=ff87d311f555f103683dc49b6ff393a2;
var custom_field1={extra_data};
var custom_field2={extra_data};
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!-- End Offer Conversion -->

By default, the system fires an advertiser pixel in the pending (2) status. To receive conversions in a certain status, use the additional parameter afstatus=status and replace status with a certain conversion status value.

3. Send the pixel to your advertiser. They should implement it on the success page.

If there is a JS pixel, it's implemented on the landing page (after the opening <body> tag) and the success page (after the opening <body> tag as well).

🔎 Use a secure (HTTPS) tracking domain in any type of pixel. If you use the HTTP type of connection, clickid can be not recorded in cookies.

⚠️ If you have more than one goal in the offer, and you want to track all goals, you should install the pixel separately for each goal.​

Set up a global pixel

For e-commerce campaigns, where many products are promoted, it's hard to set up different pixels from every offer. Also, you can have a lot of offers which links lead to the same landing page, and it's heavy to set up a separate pixel for each offer.

In this case, you can set up a global pixel:

1. Take the type of pixel you need and remove the offer ID.
2. Update it with additional parameters, if necessary.

This way, the pixel becomes global. Conversion gets attributed to the click ID and you get all the conversion data in the statistics, including offer ID.

Pixel example:

<!--Offer Conversion:  -->
src="" height="1" width="1" alt=""/>
<!-- End Offer Conversion -->

Set up cookieless tracking

Some browsers like Safari and Firefox can consider Affise cookie a third-party one and don't support third-party cookie files at all. Go here to read what to do in such cases.

What to do next

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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