Trafficback reasons
Below you can find the reasons for sending traffic to trafficback, that are displayed in Statistics > Trafficback.
Reason | What it means |
Invalid offer | offer_id which was sent via the Affise tracking link is of an invalid format. |
Invalid affiliate | pid which was sent via the Affise tracking link is of an invalid format. |
Unknown offer | The click was sent to offer_id which has never existed on Affise or was deleted. Example: |
Unknown affiliate | The click was sent to pid which has never existed on Affise or was deleted. Example: |
Unknown advertiser | The click was sent for the offer of the advertiser, who was deleted from the system. |
Inactive affiliate | The click was sent by the affiliate, who has the status other than Active in the Affise system. |
Inactive offer | The click was sent for the offer, which has a status different from Active. Also, this reason is shown when both an offer and an affiliate are not active. |
Disabled affiliate | The click was sent by the affiliate who does not have access to the offer, or who was disabled. |
Overcap | The click was sent to trafficback because the cap was reached and the overcap option is enabled. |
Non-unique clicks | The click was sent to trafficback because the Send hosts only option is enabled. When it is enabled, only hosts are sent to the main tracking URL. |
Duplicate Clicks Threshold | The click has been sent to trafficback because the Duplicate Clicks Threshold option is enabled. |
Mistargeting* | The click was sent and it does not match the targeting restrictions of the offer, or there were no suitable targeting groups or traffic is blocked by the enabled Click-level Anti-fraud checkbox in the offer settings. |
Undefined | You can see this reason in Advertisers/Offers/Affiliates slices of the Statistics. The reason marks the traffic, which:
* Possible mistargeting reasons are:
Mistargeting: Click-level Anti-fraud
Mistargeting: IP
Mistargeting: Sub1 & sub2
Mistargeting: Sub
Mistargeting: Sub is empty
Mistargeting: Mobile carriers
Mistargeting: Brands
Mistargeting: Browsers
Mistargeting: OS
Mistargeting: Connection type
Mistargeting: Devices
Mistargeting: Cities
Mistargeting: Regions
Mistargeting: Country
It is a priority list. If a click didn't meet several elements of a targeting group, it is not recorded for several reasons. Instead, the reason is shown according to this list.
Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].