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Set up a campaign
Natalya Yefimenko avatar
Written by Natalya Yefimenko
Updated over 11 months ago

After you set up the demand source and ready to take offers from a source, set up a campaign to start pulling offers to Affise.

Before you begin

Campaigns allow you to select offers to be pulled to Affise from the source. The campaign is a set of filters and parameters you can apply to all offers within your campaign.

Create a campaign

1. To create a new Campaign, click Add Campaign in the Campaigns tab.

cpapi.affise.comcampaignindex 2023-05-16 at 6.26.39 PM

2. In the campaign setup form, do the following settings:

  • Status: make it ON or OFF to activate or deactivate the campaign.

    • If the status is ON, your campaign is active, and the offers in this campaign synchronize with Affise and get updated to the rules set.

    • If the status is OFF, your campaign is temporarily disabled, and the offers in this campaign do not participate in CPAPI synchronization and are not getting updated.

⚠️ Once you set the campaign as OFF, the offers of this campaign, which were pulled to the Affise system previously, have the same settings and status they had before the campaign was disabled. The same thing is with campaign deleting. Read more about CPAPI synchronization process here.

  • Title: type the campaign title.

  • Default values: settings you apply to all offers of this campaign when they’re pulled to Affise.

    • Advertiser: select the advertiser for the offers within the campaign. The advertiser is to be created on Affise first. If you cannot select advertisers in a drop-down menu, it means you didn't fill your tracking systems or did it incorrectly.

    • Privacy level: select the level of privacy assigned to offers within the campaign.

    • Payout %: set the percent of payout to your partner. This is calculated based on an advertiser's payout.

    • Smartlink Categories: select the smartlink for the offers within the campaign. The smartlink is to be created on Affise first. If you cannot select smartlinks in a drop-down menu, it means you didn't fill your tracking systems or did it incorrectly.

    • Offer Status: select the status assigned to offers within the campaign. Leave it According to the source to get advertiser's offer status only.

    • Overcap: select the checkbox to make the option turned on by default for offers within the campaign. If you selected the Overcap checkbox, but the Cap sync rule is Disable, offers don't have Overcap turned on.

    • Trafficback Url: enter the local trafficback link. Select the Overcap checkbox if you want clicks to be redirected to the trafficback URL when "All" goal value is set.

    • Redirect Type: select the redirect type assigned to offers within the campaign. Leave it blank to get HTTP 302 redirect type by default.

    • Block traffic if empty: select checkboxes with the necessary sub values to block them on Affise if the affiliate tracking URL has an empty sub account parameter or does not have it at all. The Block traffic if empty setting is applied to all targeting groups presented in the offer. It is possible to select several sub accounts.

    • Domain: select the domain for the offer tracking URL (default or custom domain). If you leave it Not set, the default domain is used.

    • Unique IP: select the checkbox to make the option turned on by default for offers within the campaign.

    • Reject Not Unique IP: select the checkbox to make the option turned on by default for offers within the campaign. Read more about restrictions by IPs here.

    • Click Session Life Span: indicate the period of time when the conversion is allowed for a click. If you don't set it up, the period of 1 year is applied by default.

    • Minimal Click Life Span: indicate the minimum period for which a conversion is not allowed for a click. If you don't set it up, the period of 0 seconds is applied by default. Mind the format for life spans: 1y2m3w4d5h6i7s.

    • Is CPI: select the checkbox to make the option turned on by default for offers within the campaign. Leave it According to the source to get advertiser's settings only.

    • Allowed Sub Account: select the sub value to allow it (or block if you select Exclude) in the offer in all targeting groups presented in the offer.

    • Exclude: select the checkbox to make the option turned on by default for offers within the campaign.

    • Field for sub values: type the needed values that you want to allow or to exclude.

⚠️ You can indicate sub account values with the following symbols only: a-z A-Z, numbers 0-9, and these symbols -,._{}+=/:~ Delimit values by a comma to set a list of them.

🔎 Read more about restrictions by sub accounts here.

  • Filters: settings you set to all offers of this campaign when they’re pulled to Affise. The offers, which do not match the filters set, are pulled into the Affise system, but are paused on its end.

    • Countries: select the necessary countries to filter all offers approved on a source side based on country targeting.

    • OS: select OSes to filter all offers approved on a source side based on OS targeting;

    • Devices: select devices to filter all offers approved on a source side based on device type;

    • Currencies: select currencies restrictions to filter the offers available on a source side based on payout currency;

    • Payout Min: set the min payout value to filter the offers available on a source side based on min payout.

    • Payout Max: set the max payout value to filter the offers available on a source side based on max payout.

⚠️ CPAPI imports the offer with the payout that matches the filter. Look at the examples:

  • There are two payouts in the offer: 0 and 50. If you select 0.1 in the Payout Min field of the campaign, CPAPI will import the offer in the Active status and the payout 50.

  • There are three payouts in the offer: 0, 12 and 25. If you select 3 in the Payout Min field and 13 in the Payout Max field of the campaign, CPAPI will import the offer in the Active status and the payout 12.

🔎 Read more about demand sources here.

  • Sync rules: use them to manage synchronization frequency for specific offer fields on Affise. The frequency is determined by:

    • First Sync: the relevant field is pulled to Affise offer the first time it appears in the source API response.

    • Always: the relevant field is pulled or updated in Affise offer each time synchronization occurs.

    • Disabled: the relevant field is never pulled or updated in Affise offer each time synchronization occurs.

🔎 Read more about synchronization rules here.

3. Add the offers to your campaign and click Save.

Add offers to the campaign

There are two ways of adding the offers:

  1. In Campaigns > a certain campaign > Offers, click Add to select offers from one or different sources.

    You can filter by offer ID, title, network, countries, and the fact of whether the offer is imported from Advertisers feed or not.

  2. In Campaigns > a certain campaign > Sources, select the whole source and all its offers. All offers from the selected sources are pulled to Affise via this campaign.

⚠️ To avoid offer duplicates, use one way of adding offers, either in the Offers section or the Sources section. If you add the same offer in two different campaigns, it gets duplicated on Affise too.

🔎 Create on campaign for one advertiser. This eases the work with offers and helps avoid mess in offers on Affise.

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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