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Synchronization rules
Natalya Yefimenko avatar
Written by Natalya Yefimenko
Updated over 11 months ago

Synchronization rules influence the offer settings when pulling offers from CPAPI to Affise. The rules are located on the new campaign setup page, as well as on the existing Campaign edit page. The main goal of synchronization rules is to manage synchronization frequency for specific offer fields on Affise.

Before you begin

Sync rules section overview


Sync rules are used to manage synchronization frequency for specific offer fields on Affise. The frequency is determined by:

  • First Sync: the relevant field is pulled to Affise offer the first time it appears in the source API response.

  • Always: the relevant field is pulled or updated on Affise offer each time synchronization occurs.

  • Disabled: the relevant field is never pulled or updated on Affise offer each time synchronization occurs.

Sync rules categories

There is a description of the Sync Rule categories:

  • Categories: this section can be used to group offers according to their verticals.

  • Description: offer description (Offers > a certain offer > General > Description).

  • Payments: the Country, Devices, OS, Payment type, Revenue, Payouts, Currency fields are synced (Offers > a certain offer > Payouts).

  • Status: the status assigned to the offer, which is pulled from CPAPI to Affise and set forcefully. Leave it According to the source to get the advertiser accurate offer status only.

  • URL: the main Tracking URL (Offers > a certain offer > Tracking).

    Edit offer _ Rocketcompany - Google Chrome 2022-02-03 at 1.02.28 PM
  • Caps: the caps set in the offer (Offers > a certain offer > Caps).

🔎 As CPAPI uses Affise API for affiliates, there's the validation on caps.

  • Smartlink Categories: defines the smartlink category that an offer will have on Affise.

⚠️ Smartlink Category should be created on Affise first.

  • Traffic Targeting: Sync rule is used to manage synchronization frequency for Geo Restrictions. Read more about targeting synchronization in CPAPI here.

  • Landings: this Sync rule is available only for Affise <-> Affise integration. It pulls Landing pages set up in Offers > a certain offer > Landing pages.

  • Countries: Country GEO restrictions to filter all offers approved on a source side based on country targeting.

  • Is CPI: has an informative purpose and shows the model of payment for affiliates who use your API (Offers > a certain offer > General > CPI).

  • Payments Goal: the goal value to be returned in the goal parameter of a postback when the target action is completed. The default value is 1. Payments Goal synchronization disabling requires Caps Sync rule disabling (Offers > a certain offer > Payouts > Goal value/Goal title).

  • Title: offer title (Offers > a certain offer > General > Title).

  • URL Preview: in some cases, it works like trafficback. If you click this link in the Affiliate panel, you can see what this offer is in general (Offers > a certain offer > Tracking > Preview URL).

  • KPI: has an informative purpose (Offers > a certain offer > General > KPI).

⚠️ Affise supports multilanguage description only for the Affise <-> Affise integration.

  • Redirect Type: the offer redirect type, which is assigned to an offer on Affise and is set forcefully.

  • Privacy level: the level of privacy assigned to an offer pulled from CPAPI to Affise (Public, Pre-moderation, and Private).

  • Impression Destination URL: the link which an advertiser gives you, so that you can send information about impressions to them (Offers > a certain offer > Tracking > Impressions destination URL).

  • Allow impressions: allows impressions tracking on Affise (Offers > a certain offer > Tracking > Allow impressions).

  • Notes: additional notes, which an advertiser can pass inside their offer.

⚠️ If you set up values in some field of the Default values section, but the namesake Sync rule is set up as Disabled, the value won't be applied. The offer will be pulled with a default value. For example, you set up Meta-redirect in the Redirect Type field in the Default values section, but the Redirect Type Sync rule is for disabled. In this case, the offer will contain an HTTP 302 redirect, as it is the default one.

Sync rules frequency changing

When you change sync rule frequency (e.g., from Always to First Sync), remember that the changes are applied to all imported offers. Imported offers are the offers, which CPAPI takes from the advertiser's feed. If the campaign contains 100 offers, but an advertiser gives 90 offers in their API feed, changes are applied to 90 offers only.

When you change sync rules from First Sync or Disabled to Always, changes for offers are delivered to Affise only after an advertiser makes changes in the source.

Sync rule as Always: peculiarities

Look at the following example:

In the Campaign, you have all Sync rules as the First Sync (or Disabled), except Title. You changed the Title in the offer manually/via API on Affise. These changes will remain until an advertiser changes anything else (for example, Caps) on their side. CPAPI will notice such changes. As a Sync rule for Caps is as First Sync, Caps won't be updated, but new Title on Affise will be erased (brought back to the version an advertiser has now), as the Sync rule for Title is Always. This principle is applied to all Sync rules the Campaign has.

Below you can find some cases which you may face when working with CPAPI:

  1. You have the Title Sync rule as Always, the Cap Sync rule as First Sync, and you changed the Title manually/via API on Affise. CPAPI made an API call to an advertiser and didn’t find any changes in Caps, all values in Caps remain the same. Your Title will remain the same at least until the next API call CPAPI will make.

  2. You have the Title Sync rule as Always, the Cap Sync rule as First Sync, and you changed the Title manually/via API on Affise. CPAPI made an API call to an advertiser and found that the advertiser did not pass Caps as a whole parameter (there are no parameters and the value in it). Your Title will remain the same, at least until the next API call CPAPI will make.

  3. You have the Title Sync rule as Always, the Cap Sync rule as First Sync, and you changed the Title manually/via API on Affise. CPAPI made an API call to an advertiser and found that the advertiser passed the empty Caps parameter without any value. Your Title will remain the same at least until the next API call CPAPI will make.

⚠️ Changes are counted for even if an advertiser passes "-" or "0". Any value matters.

4. You have the Title Sync rule as Always, the Cap Sync rule as First Sync, and you changed the Title manually/via API on Affise. CPAPI made an API call to the advertiser and found changes in Caps. It does not matter which frequency has the Sync rule for Caps, your Title will be erased (brought back to the version the advertiser has).

Particular sync rules

  • Privacy level: if this rule is set up as Disabled, all offers are pulled to Affise as Public.

  • URL & Impression Destination URL: as you can set up parameters and macros for both links on the Demand Source setting page, you need to be aware of the following:

    • If the Sync rule is set up as Disable, the system doesn't update both links with parameters and macros you set up.

    • If the Sync rule is set up as First Sync, the system updates both links with parameters and macros only once. If you update parameters and macros on the Demand Source setting page after they were pulled to Affise, the system doesn't update them once again.

    • If the rule is set up as Always, the system updates both links with parameters and macros each time when you update them on the Demand Source setting page.

  • Redirect type: if this rule is set up as Disabled, all offers will be pulled to Affise with HTTP 302 redirect type.

  • Payments Goal: if you make it disabled initially when the Campaign creates, all offers will contain "1" as a goal value by default.

  • Payments Goal & Caps: both these rules have mutual validation:

    • If Caps is for First Sync, Payments Goal can be set up as First Sync or Always.

    • If Caps is for Always, Payments Goal is to be set up as Always only.

  • If Caps is for Disabled, Payments Goal can be set up as the First Sync, Always and Disable.

🔎 Look at this example: you set up the Caps rule as First Sync, Payments Goal as Always, and caps are set up for a certain goal. In this scenario, there might be an offer update error when payments goal changes in the advertiser's source. It means the caps are set up for a goal that doesn't exist. The same error can occur when Payments Goal is set up as Always, and you change Caps Sync rule from Always to Disabled.

  • Caps: the Overcap option doesn't depend on Caps Sync rule.

🔎 For example:

  • Caps are set up as First sync or Disbaled, and the Overcap is ON on CPAPI and OFF on Affise. Once the synchronization occurs, the Overcap becomes active on Affise.

  • Caps are absent from the offer on CPAPI, Caps are set up as First sync, and the Overcap is ON on Affise. Once the synchronization occurs, Caps remain in the offer, but the Overcap becomes not active on Affise.

  • Traffic targeting: read more about it here.

⚠️ If you use CR Automation or Click Automation, it is better to use the Traffic targeting Sync rule as the First Sync. Otherwise, the system erases the blocked sub2 values each time CPAPI pulls the offer on Affise.

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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