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CPAPI synchronization
Natalya Yefimenko avatar
Written by Natalya Yefimenko
Updated over 11 months ago

The main goal of CPAPI as a tool is to take offers from an advertiser API feed and bring them to your account on Affise with settings you choose. Like any other tool, CPAPI has certain general rules of its working, as well as some peculiarities you might want to know about.

CPAPI synchronization process

The general scheme of CPAPI working is the following:

BASIC-level workflow on affise — Презентация 2023-05-22 at 7.53.04 PM

CPAPI makes an API call to a demand source every 40-50 minutes. It means new offers and changes from an advertiser get to CPAPI every 40-50 minutes.

CPAPI needs up to 20 minutes to deliver new offers or changes in old offers from CPAPI to Affise.

Synchronization process and offer status on Affise

There are cases that can happen when you have CPAPI offers on Affise:

  • The offer was disabled manually/via bulk actions/via API/plugins on Affise.
    Offer becomes invisible for CPAPI and doesn't participate in the synchronization process in the future.

⚠️ If the Disabled status was forced via CPAPI, the offer would continue participating in the synchronization process.

🔎 If you want to continue working with the offer, you need to create another campaign for it.

  • The offer schedule is used.
    If CPAPI tries to pull the status, which differs from the one set up by the offer schedule option, it is changed by CPAPI settings. The offer schedule work gets interrupted.

  • The offer was pulled to Affise via CPAPI, but after a while, the advertiser took it out of their feed.
    The offer is paused on Affise in two hours.

  • The campaign was disabled or deleted.
    Offers relevant to this campaign remain in the same status they had before the campaign was disabled or deleted.

  • The source was deleted.
    Offers from the source are paused on Affise in two hours.

    Extract offers from the synchronization process

If you have a campaign for all offers of the whole source, you can extract one specific offer from the synchronization process.

1. Duplicate the offer on Affise. Click Duplicate offer in Offers > a certain offer.

Offer Policy National - Medicare - US - $10 CPL Demo 2023-05-23 at 12.35.03 AM

2. Delete the external offer ID from the duplicate offer.

Edit offer Demo 🔊 2023-05-23 at 12.40.15 AM

3. Disable the initial offer.

Edit offer Demo 2023-05-23 at 12.41.22 AM

Deactivate all offers of a campaign

If you want to make all offers of a campaign paused or disabled, do the following:

1. Set up the status field as Paused or Disabled in Campaigns > a certain campaign > Default values.

Screen Recording 2023-05-23 at 12.50.16 AM

2. Wait for the next synchronization, and disable or delete the campaign.

What to do next

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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