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Set up a smartlink
Natalya Yefimenko avatar
Written by Natalya Yefimenko
Updated over 11 months ago

Smartlink is a flexible tool, which allows distributing traffic automatically depending on the most suitable conditions and properties of clicks.

Setup of a smartlink requires two steps: creating a smartlink category, and adding an offer to the category. The category has one tracking link - the smartlink itself, which your affiliates can use to send traffic. On Affise, you can set up a smartlink fast and easy. Once you're done with it, affiliates see the link in the Affiliate panel at once.

Before you begin

Set up a smartlink

  1. Go to SmartLinks.

  2. Click New Smartlink.

  3. Go to the General tab, and in the Title field, add the title of the smartlink. Affiliates see it in the Affiliate panel.

  4. In the Domain drop-down list, select the custom tracking domain, which you want to use for this smartlink.

  5. In the Privacy level field, select the privacy level of the smartlink:

    • Public: all affiliates have access to the smartlink by default. You don't need to enable them.

    • Premoderated: affiliates can request for access to this smartlink.

    • Private: affiliates don't see this smartlink. You need to enable the needed affiliates directly in the Admin panel.

  6. Optional. Add the description for the category. Affiliates see it in the Affiliate panel.

  7. To enable certain affiliates, go to the Enable affiliates tab. Find the needed affiliate in the All affiliates list, and add them to the Enabled affiliates list by clicking the plus button.

  8. ​To disable certain affiliates, go to the Disable affiliates tab. Find the needed affiliate in the All affiliates list, and add them to the Disabled affiliates list by clicking the plus button.

  9. Go to the Priority offers tab to assign weight to certain offers. To add an offer, use the Add offer button. In the Offer field, select the needed offer. Specify the percentage in the field nearby.

  10. Go to the Connected advertisers tab to assign weight to certain advertiser. To add an advertiser, use the Add advertiser button. In the Advertiser field, select the needed advertiser. Specify the percentage in the field nearby.

  11. Go to the Trafficback URLs tab to add trafficback URLs. To add an affiliate, use the Add affiliate button. In the Affiliate drop-down list, select the affiliate. In the URL field, enter the needed trafficback URL.

  12. Click Create.

  13. Optional. Add a smartlink to the SmartLink categories field in the offer (Offers > a certain offer > Tracking > Smartlink category).

  14. Click Save.

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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