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Set up C2S cookieless tracking
Daria Mamchenkova avatar
Written by Daria Mamchenkova
Updated over 11 months ago

Before you begin

Set up cookieless tracking

Some browsers like Safari and Firefox, as well as Chrome now, can consider Affise cookie a third-party one and don't support third-party cookie files at all. This makes the whole integration process impossible in some cases. Affise offers the solution: direct pixel tracking using the cookie file integrated into the offer domain.

There are two options for your workflow. Do either Option 1 or Option 2.

Option 1

  1. Add the clickid parameter and the {clickid} macro to an advertiser tracking link. In pixel integration, it is just a link to the offer landing page. You don't need to get the parameter for the click ID value from your advertiser.

    Edit offer _ Eatbetter - Google Chrome 2022-09-16 at 12.11.56 PM

  2. Take and update the JavaScript pixel in Offers > a certain offer > Postbacks > JavaScript, and share it with your advertiser.

  3. An advertiser should set the first part of a JS code to the offer (landing) page after the opening <body> tag.

    Edit offer _ Rocketcompany - Google Chrome 2022-08-22 at 1.41.43 PM

  4. An advertiser set the second part of a JS code to the offer success (thank you) page.

    Edit offer _ Rocketcompany - Google Chrome 2022-08-22 at 1.43.56 PM

The code on the landing page extracts click ID and stores it in the cookie file saved in the local storage, instead of the Affise tracking domain. The system saves the cookie file not when redirecting to the Affise tracking link, but when reaching the landing page. The third part doesn't participate here.

Option 2

  1. Take and update the JavaScript (Direct) pixel in Offers > a certain offer > Postbacks > JavaScript, and share it with your advertiser.

  2. An advertiser should set the first part of a JS code to the offer (landing) page after the opening <body> tag.

    Edit offer _ Rocketcompany - Google Chrome 2022-08-22 at 1.55.24 PM

  3. An advertiser should add the &pid={pid} parameter to the URL of the landing page pixel (to define an affiliate). As you don't use an Affise tracking link, determination of the affiliate is required at this stage.

  4. An advertiser should set the second part of a JS code to the offer success (thank you) page.

    Edit offer _ Rocketcompany - Google Chrome 2022-08-22 at 2.00.40 PM

Since you don't use an Affise tracking link, the system initiates the click by making a request right to the landing page. This request returns the click ID saved in the local storage. This is why the JS code on the landing page is obligatory.

⚠️ Make sure you use the same domain in the code for the landing and the success pages.

What to do next

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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