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Smartlinks (affiliates)
Natalya Yefimenko avatar
Written by Natalya Yefimenko
Updated over 11 months ago

The smartlink is a special link that contains several offers. When you send traffic to it, it goes to the most suitable offer according to the geo, os, and other criteria. Smartlinks are based on the algorithm that decides which offer to show for each specific user. The algorithm takes the user data and analyses all the information. As a result, the user gets to an offer that is most likely to be converted.

A smart algorithm takes into account the following criteria:

  • whether the traffic can freely reach the offer (no caps, no targeting obstacles, etc.)

  • how well the offer already converts

About 20% of traffic goes to all offers to let new offers get into the rotation.


The Smartlinks section consists of two subsections:

  • All: the list of the smartlinks in the Public and Pre-moderation statuses.

  • Available: the list of public smartlinks, pre-moderation, and private smartlinks, which you have access to and can send traffic.

In both subsections, you see the list of smartlinks with its names, advertiser's tracking link, and the description (if any):

You can start sending traffic to all public smartlinks immediately. You need to request access to all premoderated smartlinks first.

By clicking on the public smartlink, you get to its card:


  • Affise tracking link: your link, which you can update with additional parameters and macros.

  • Sub accounts: the list of available parameters. You can type macros in the relevant fields.

By clicking on the premoderated smartlink, you get to the request form.

Smartlinks in Statistics

You can see the Statistics on each smartlink in the Statistics section:

What to do next

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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