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Clicks discrepancy with advertisers: solutions
Daria Mamchenkova avatar
Written by Daria Mamchenkova
Updated over 11 months ago

Once you integrate with the advertiser, you may have a clicks discrepancy, which can happen within a specific offer. This article describes what you should do to find if it's a real discrepancy or not.

Click discrepancy

There are two cases:

  1. The advertiser has less clicks than you.

  2. The advertiser has more clicks than you.

The advertiser has less clicks than you

To check the discrepancy, do the following:

1. Check the Timeframe in which you correlate the number of clicks with your advertiser. Make sure you view the same period on both sides.

2. Check the Timezone. Make sure you use the same timezone on both sides.

🔎 If you work with the advertiser in different timezones, you can check statistics on your end in a specific timezone by switching it:

3. Make sure you have the whole chain of the redirections, starting with the Affise tracking URL up to the Advertiser's tracking URL. Check the redirections in Affise Checker.

⚠️ Affise Tracking URL should be right before the Advertiser's Tracking URL, with no additional redirections in between.

4. Make sure the offer's redirect type is HTTP 302 redirect. All other redirect types can cause clicks discrepancy, as the browser, the firewall, antivirus, etc. can block/ban the redirection flow. You can check redirect type in Offers > Offer edit page > Tracking > Redirect Type:

5. The advertiser has more extended Targeting restrictions than you have on your side.

🔎 Look at the following example. Your offer allows receiving traffic from Ukraine, and there are no other restrictions. This offer on the advertiser's side has not only GEO restrictions, but also OS, devices, sub accounts restrictions. Let's suppose the received click is from Ukraine, desktop, iOS. It was sent to the advertiser, but it wasn't allowed to register clicks made with iOS. That's why the system rejects this click once coming to the advertiser.​

6. Make sure nobody didn't change the Advertiser's Tracking URL in the offer.

Check it in Offers > Logs.

🔎 There could be a case when the initial tracking URL was correct, and it led to the right offer on the advertiser's level. But after changing, the new link led to another offer.

7. Make sure nobody didn't change the Additional tracking URL and Landing pages if you use them. Check it in Offers > Logs.

There could be the following reason for the discrepancy:

  • There are several Additional tracking URLs in an offer, but one of them or more leads to another offer. That's why on Affise, the system registers all clicks for one offer, but on the advertiser's side, the system registers clicks for different ones. Ask the advertiser if all additional tracking URLs should lead to the same offer.

  • There are several landing pages. If one of them or more leads to another offer, you can see the discrepancy. You need to check the Landings slice of Statistics and compare traffic for all landings of this offer with traffic on the advertiser's side.

8. The third-party plugins the end user uses could block the advertiser's link.

9. The end user could close the browser tab, while the system redirects the Affise tracking URL to the Advertiser's tracking URL. That's why Affise registered clicks, but didn't send them to the advertiser.

The advertiser has more clicks than you

1. Check the Timeframe in which you correlate the number of clicks with your advertiser. Make sure you view the same period on both sides.

2. Check the Timezone. Make sure you use the same timezone on both sides.

3. Make sure only you have an Advertiser's tracking URL, which leads to the offer. If someone else has the same link, the advertiser can receive clicks not only from you.

🔎 You can use specific macro {rand}. It sends a randomly generated unique number. It might help the advertiser understand which clicks are from Affise.

4. Make sure you have only one offer with the same Advertiser's tracking link, and you check Statistics only for this offer.

🔎 Look at the following example. You have three offers with the same tracking URL, which leads to only one offer on the advertiser's side. When comparing Statistics, you check only one offer.

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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