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Click uniqueness
Natalya Yefimenko avatar
Written by Natalya Yefimenko
Updated over 11 months ago

Click uniqueness determination

On Affise, there are two names for the action, which happens when a user clicks the ad: a click and host.

A host is a unique click, while a click is any click.

In the statistics, clicks mean the number of all clicks, both unique and not unique.

Statistics _ CPA Horse - Google Chrome 2022-08-25 at 6.47.01 PM

The system defines click uniqueness by:

  1. browser

  2. device

  3. date

  4. offer ID

In terms of Affise, clickid cookie is saved for 24 hours once the system registers a click.

This means that if a click comes to the tracking URL , we register it as a host and a click.

If the same user clicks the tracking URL from the same browser & device within 24 hours, it will be a host and a click, because the offer ID is different.

If the same user clicks the tracking URL from the same browser & device within 24 hours, it will be a click only, because the host was registered earlier.

There is an opportunity to send only hosts to the main tracking URL. Find more information here.

⚠️ Note that the algorithm to define click uniqueness can fail to work if you use a tracking domain with the HTTP protocol. Since new browsers are stricter with cookie requirements, use HTTPS to be sure your clicks are defined the right way.

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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