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Natalya Yefimenko avatar
Written by Natalya Yefimenko
Updated over 10 months ago

Shortlink is a shorter alias (a link) for a standard tracking URL. Shortlinks save a lot of space when displayed or messaged. Shortlinks also prevent Affise tracking URL from blocking by Adblock and some similar services. Once the end user clicks a shortlink, the system redirects the user in the same way as it's done with the standard Affise tracking link.


You can generate a shortlink here: Offers > All > a certain offer.

The standard tracking link looks like:

The shortlink looks like:

The system creates a shortlink with a protocol (HTTP/HTTPS) according to your domain settings.

If you add an additional parameter to the standard Affise tracking URL, the system automatically includes the parameter to the shortlink by regenerating it.

⚠️You don't see certain parameters and macros in the shortlink, but you can check them in the standard Affise tracking link.

The set of symbols in the shortlink is unique for every combination of macros and parameters.

An example:

  • - a bold link without parameters.

  • - a link, where &sub1={idfa} parameter is used.

  • - a link, where &sub1={idfa} and &sub3={os} parameters are used.

Generation history

It is possible to see the last ten generated shortlinks as well as parameters and macros used while generating.

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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