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Payouts selection
Daria Mamchenkova avatar
Written by Daria Mamchenkova
Updated over 11 months ago

When Affise registers a conversion, it checks the offer and its payouts to choose one of them (or the only existing one) and to place the needed values to statistics. So if there are several payouts in the offer, it is crucial to select the appropriate one.

Before you begin

Payouts selection criteria

Four criteria influence the payout selection:

  1. Existence of personal payout for the affiliate, whom the conversion/click/impression belongs to.

  2. Goal value.

  3. Other fields (county, cities, devices, OS, sub1-sub8).

  4. Weights.

The first criterion is the main one. The system applies other criteria after checking it.

Existence of personal payout

The general principle: if there is a personal payout for the affiliate whom this conversion/click/impression belongs to, and other criteria are met, the system registers the conversion under this personal payout as Approved or assign the cost to the click/impression. If there is no personal payout, the system checks all general ones.

Personal payout is always primary to be chosen if the choice is between two similar payouts: the general one and the personal one (other criteria are met in both ones).

Scheme 1:

This criterion is the first one the system applies to the conversion/click/impression when selecting the appropriate payout.

Selection by goal

This criterion is used only for conversions.

First, read about Goal tracking.

Once the system registers the conversion, it looks at the goal value the advertiser sent via the goal parameter. If there is no goal parameter, the system places the goal value "1" by default. Then the system compares conversion's goal value with the goal values presented in personal payouts (if any)/in general payouts (if there are no personal ones).

Scheme 2:

Selection by other fields

The criterion is used for conversions/clicks/impressions.

The general principle is the same as selection by goal has.

Once the system registers the conversion, or a click/impression comes, it looks at country, city, device, OS, and values from sub1-sub8 parameters. Then the system compares conversion/click/impression values with the values presented in personal payouts (if any)/in general payouts (if there are no personal ones).

⚠️ Keep in mind that the sub values in the Payouts section of the offer edit page are case sensitive.

Scheme 3:

The difference between goal value criteria and these fields' criteria:

  • System checks all above mentioned fields at once. If at least one of them is not met, the system checks other payouts presented in the offer according to the existence of personal payouts criteria.

  • The Goal value field can't be empty, but the Country, Cities, Devices, OS, and Sub1-Sub8 fields can be. It means: if the field is empty in the payout, it allows all countries, cities, devices, OS, and values in sub1-sub8 parameters.

Selection by weights

Sometimes one conversion/click/impression can have several appropriate payouts:

  • When there are several appropriate personal payouts, where both criteria of goal values and other fields are met.

  • When there are several general payouts, where both criteria of goal values and other fields are met. No personal payouts for the particular affiliate exist.

In this case, the system should choose only one payout.

Weights are points that payout gets for a particular field. The more points the payout has in general, the higher the chance of its choosing by the system.

If, after weights checking, there are still the same appropriate payouts, the system chooses the random one.

⚠️ Don't confuse payouts weights and Additional URLs weights. It is two different options, which are not correlated with each other.


Case №1. Conversion came with the goal "2". You see the following payouts. Why are there 0 in the Revenue and Payouts fields in the conversion?

Zero conversion came with the goal value "2", so the system registered it under the second general payout. Other criteria are met in both payouts.

Case №2. Conversion came from Ireland. You see the following payouts. Why did the system choose the general payout, despite there being the personal one from the affiliate, whom the conversion belongs to?

The conversion came not from Greece. The system found the needed personal payout, but it also checked other criteria. In this case, the conversion came from another country. That's why the system denied the personal payout and checked the general one. Goals are the same, so the system registered the conversion under the general payout.

Payouts selection in Probabilistic attribution

The process of payouts selection in this situation is almost similar to a usual process, but with several peculiarities:

  1. The system checks whether there is a personal payout. The scheme on this step is the same.

  2. The system checks the goal value. This stage is performed in the same way.

  3. The system checks values for other fields like Countries, Cities, Devices, OSes, and Sub-values. When coming to this stage, the system requires using the country, platform and sub2 parameters.

    Example 1. There are the following settings:

    If the postback contains the country and platform parameters, the system reads the values passed in these parameters. If the values meet the settings above, the system selects this payout. If the postback doesn’t have those parameters, the system reads values as "All countries" and "All OSes", which means the payout is wrong, and the system looks for another one.

    Example 2. There are the following settings:

    The system looks for other payouts anyway, because the postback doesn’t have information about devices and sub8 values due to the lack of relevant parameters. The system perceives it automatically as "All devices" and "All sub8 values".

    That’s why Affise highly recommends not to use restrictions in other fields (the Cities, Devices fields, other subs). The system always perceives information from each postback as "All cities", "All devices", and all sub-values, regardless of which parameters you use in the very postback link.

    Read more information about Probabilistic attribution.

  4. The system compares weights. Perform the stage like it is done in case of usual integration.

Please contact Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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