In the Admin panel, you can select different currencies for payments. Also, you can set minimum payments for the selected currencies.
The Currencies settings are located here: Settings > Contents > Currencies.
Code: the list of all currencies.
Min payment: minimum payment for your currencies.
Yes - your active currency.
You can also see the list of active currencies in the affiliate balance.
No - not active currency.
Yes - your default currency.
No - not default currencies.
Rate: the currency exchange rate between the default currency and the selected currency.
🔎 The system updates currencies every three hours. The system records the currency exchange rate between the default currency and the payment currency in conversions at the moment of the postback event.
Actions: you can activate or deactivate a currency, and make it default.
You can check the list of currencies via API as well:
GET /3.0/admin/currency
Currency and statistics
You can divide statistics by currencies.
To observe all the statistics, you can select the tab with a default currency.
Currency and dashboard
On a dashboard, you can see total earnings and payouts by each of your active currencies.
Currency and conversions
You can change a conversion currency to another one from the list of your active currencies.
Currency and affiliate billings
Minimal payment for your currency should be equal to or less than the sum of each bill you pay to your affiliate.
Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].