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Dashboard (admins)
Daria Mamchenkova avatar
Written by Daria Mamchenkova
Updated over 5 months ago

The dashboard page is a useful tool for analyzing performance. By using it, you can see various data metrics, such as the number of clicks, conversions, earnings, affiliates information, traffic statistics, the number of active offers, affiliates, and so on.

The Dashboard section helps you see all types of data as colorful charts and tables. It also allows you to share access to dashboards with the rest of the team.

⚠️ Only users with the General manager role can create and edit dashboards.

Default dashboards

On the Dashboard section, you can see a default dashboard layout:


  1. Layer: the list of available dashboards. You can choose one of the created dashboards.

  2. Create layer: you can create different types of dashboards based on your needs and preferences.

  3. Customize layer: you can customize a layer by adding widgets, making the layer default, and so on. Read more about it here.

  4. Table of basic widgets: you can see the following data metrics:

    • Clicks: number of clicks.

    • Conversions: number of conversions.

    • Earnings: full amount of money relative to default currency.

    • Earnings by currency: earnings by the selected available currency. It includes conversions of all statuses and payments of all types.

🔎 Here you can also view custom metrics that you added in Statistics > iGaming or in Custom columns. Read more about it here.

5. Affiliate panel: you can use the widget to log in to the Affiliate panel as an affiliate.

6. Affiliates info: displays the number of offer requests (requests for getting access to offers with the pre-moderation privacy level), affiliates who are waiting for changing their status to active, and unanswered tickets.

7. Traffic statistics for the last 30 days: displays actual data for total conversations, clicks, total earnings, and total revenue for the last 30 days. It includes payments of all types when earning and revenue calculation.

8. Top affiliates and offers (or Top records): displays data for offers and affiliates, which have the highest earning values. It includes payments of all types when earning calculation.

🔎 You can choose the period for data display: 7 Days, Last Month, This Month, Today, Yesterday.

9. Notifications: displays a list of actual tickets.

10. Top caps: displays the most filled caps across all active offers. All types of caps are relevant. It displays the caps with the following settings: Timeframe=All/Day, Goal=All, Affiliate=All, Countries=All.

11. Active affiliates: displaying an actual number of active affiliates (an affiliate who has at least one conversion for the past two weeks).

12. Active offers: displays an actual number of active offers.

⚠️ The system updated the data on the Dashboard according to the timezone you set up in your PC/laptop/other device. If you use several devices with different timezones, the system updates the Dashboard in all devices at different times.

Dashboard editing

On the Dashboard section, you can edit the dashboard you created by using the Customize Layer button:

You can see the following tools:


  1. Add widget: add a widget.

  2. Save layer: save changes.

  3. Public layer: make the dashboard a public one.

  4. Default layer: make the dashboard a default one.

  5. Delete layer: delete the dashboard.

  6. Cancel: go back to the dashboard.


You can use different widgets according to your analysis purposes.


  • Line chart: displays the dynamics of one or more indicators. You can see how data changes over time.

  • Bar chart: displays comparison between date sets.

  • Mixed chart: combines both a line chart and a bar chart. The chart shows conversions as columns, and other data as lines.

  • Pie chart: shows the structure of data.

  • Table: shows a list of correlations.

  • Stats value: works as a counter, displaying the current number of items or the current amount of money. You can enable the currency picker if needed.

  • Revenue prediction: displays a prediction of total revenue for a certain period of time.

    You can see predicted revenue and delta (revenue prediction range).

💰 The Revenue prediction feature is available only for certain plans. Contact your Affise account manager to get the feature.

It is possible to add to a Dashboard as many widgets of all the above-mentioned types as you want.

⚠️ The following widgets can be added only once (as they don’t have any settings):

  • Affiliates panel

  • Affiliates info

  • Top records

  • Active affiliates

  • Active offers

  • Notifications

  • Top caps

  • Revenue prediction​

What to do next

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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