Support and tickets
Natalya Yefimenko avatar
Written by Natalya Yefimenko
Updated yesterday

On Affise, you can contact your manager and get help from him with the help of the ticket system. You can ask to chat with a manager, or contact him directly on contacts, which he left for you.

The ticket system is a flexible tool, via which you can ask any questions regarding offers, payments, traffic, or something. Receive a response from your manager, watch the status of the ticket, including requests for connecting to an offer.

Your manager can initiate a ticket too. You will see a new ticket in the list with all other tickets.

Support and tickets

You can find the ticket system in the System section:


  • ID: the ticket ID in the system.

  • Created at: the date and time, when you or your manager initiated the ticket (sent the first message).

  • Updated at: the date and time of the last message sent by you or your manager.

  • Ticket title: the ticket's title.

  • Ticket type: the ticket's topic.

  • Answers: the number of messages received within a ticket. If you receive a new message, the system will mark this column.

  • Status: the ticket's status. You can continue replying in a ticket even if it has the Closed status.

If you want to send a new message within a ticket, click its title.

What to do next

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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