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Set up parallel tracking (affiliates)
Natalya Yefimenko avatar
Written by Natalya Yefimenko
Updated over 11 months ago

Parallel tracking is an alternative to common S2S tracking, which is, according to Google, aims to speed the load time. Parallel tracking allows the end-user to avoid all transitional redirects, so he reaches the landing pages faster and with less risk of disconnection. All the data registers in the Google Ads that sends it further to the tracking system (Affise).

Parallel tracking is available for both S2S and C2S tracking, however, in case of C2S tracking, you don't need to perform any specific actions from your side.

⚠️Google Ads claims all third-party services are to be compatible with parallel tracking.

Before you begin

Set up parallel tracking

  1. Go to Offers > All > a particular offer. Follow one of the options:

    • Select the AdWords checkbox. It adds the ref_id parameter and a special {gclid} macro to your tracking link.

    • Below the Tracking link field, in the Ref id field, type the {gclid} macro.

The tracking links looks like:{gclid}

This macro is a Google Ads macro, which contains the click ID. Based on this macro, your advertiser can match the click and the conversion.

⚠️ Use only HTTPS connection in the tracking link.

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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