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Landing and pre-landing pages (affiliates)
Natalya Yefimenko avatar
Written by Natalya Yefimenko
Updated over 10 months ago

Landings and pre-landings are tools for managing the audience. A landing page helps to distribute different types of your audience to different links of the same offer. A pre-landing page moves your audience to click the button on some side webpage and proceed to the offer itself.

The usage of a landing page doesn't require the usage of a pre-landing page (and vice versa).


The main goal of the landing is to let traffic go to different webpages of the same offer. It may be useful, if the offer supposes different sets of services or products for various types of the audience.

The advertiser provides the list of landing pages.

You can find landing pages here: Offers > All > a certain offer > Landings.


  • Default: you didn't choose any specific landing page. Traffic will go to the main tracking link of the advertiser.

  • USA & Canada: examples of the landing pages' titles.

  • Preview: you can see how the landing looks like.

Your tracking link without a landing page looks like:

Your tracking with a specific landing page looks like:


The main goal of the pre-landing page is to stimulate the user to click some button and to get to the offer page. The pre-landing is located not on the offer webpage, but somewhere else.

An advertiser provides the list of pre-landing pages.

You can find landing pages here: Offers > All > a certain offer > Landings.


  • Default: you didn't choose any specific pre-landing page.

  • For women & for men: examples of the pre-landing pages' titles.

  • Preview: you can see how the pre-landing page looks like.

Your tracking link without a pre-landing page looks like:

Your tracking with a specific landing page looks like:

Traffic scheme

Depending on the use of pre-landings and landings, the traffic goes the following way:

Your tracking link with both a landing page and a pre-landing page looks like:

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