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Set up goal (event) tracking
Natalya Yefimenko avatar
Written by Natalya Yefimenko
Updated over 11 months ago

Before you begin

Track the default goal

  1. In Offers > a certain offer > Payouts, the system sets a payout with the goal value=1 by default.

  2. Optional. Select a goal title for your default goal value in the Goal title drop-down.

    Edit offer _ Rocketcompany - Google Chrome 2022-08-23 at 7.00.35 PM

  3. Track the default goal via the Affise postback.

    You don't need to add the goal=1 parameter to the S2S postback or afgoal=1 parameter to the Affise pixel.

    Postback examples:{clickid} 

    <!--Offer Conversion: offer46 -->
    height="1" width="1"/>
    <!-- End Offer Conversion -->

    All the postbacks sent by an advertiser without goal value are sent with goal value=1 by default. If you omit the goal or afgoal parameters, the system registers a conversion with the goal=1 anyway.

    4. Once the conversion comes, check its goal in Statistics > Conversions.

    Track other goals

  1. In Offers > a certain offer > Payouts, set a goal value you need in the Goal value field.

  2. Optional. Select a goal title for your goal value in the Goal title drop-down.

    Edit offer _ Rocketcompany - Google Chrome 2022-08-23 at 7.20.54 PM

  3. Track your goal via the Affise postback.

    Add the goal={goal} parameter to the S2S postback or afgoal={goal} parameter to the Affise pixel.

    Postback examples:{clickid}&goal=2 

    <!--Offer Conversion: offer46 -->
    height="1" width="1"/>
    <!-- End Offer Conversion -->

    4. Once the conversion comes, check its goal in Statistics > Conversions.

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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