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Update an SSL-certificate for a custom tracking domain
Daria Mamchenkova avatar
Written by Daria Mamchenkova
Updated over 11 months ago

Before you begin

When you work with tracking domains, you might need to update the domain certificate when it expires. This detailed guide can help update it.

Update a SSL-certificate

  1. Go to the Settings > Domains > Admin domains, select the needed domain, and then click Edit:

  2. Enter your SSL-certificate (.crt) and Private Key (.key) into the SSL-certificate (.crt) and Private Key (.key) mandatory fields respectively. If you have a bundle file (.crt), which must contain two certificates, insert both of them to the SSL-certificate (.crt) field right below the SSL-certificate with no spaces.

⚠️ Affise recommends you to add the full chain of certificates (ca-bundle) to the SSL-certificate (.crt) field to avoid further problems with the domain performance. Ca-bundle is important, as it contains root and intermediate certificates. With your server certificate, these files complete the SSL chain of trust.

The chain is required to improve the compatibility of the certificates with web browsers, email clients, and mobile devices. Without ca-bundle in the domain, you may face the data loss that can lead to the clicks/conversions discrepancy with your affiliates.

3. Click Save.

🔎 It takes up to ten minutes to update the certificate.

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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