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Recurring payments
Daria Mamchenkova avatar
Written by Daria Mamchenkova
Updated over 11 months ago

Affise provides you with the opportunity to check your plan details, set, and upgrade it without contacting a manager. You can purchase the features you need, update payment methods, profile details, check the invoices history and so on. Self-service makes the whole process of working with the recurring payment easy and efficient.

Affise uses the recurring payment system powered by Braintree (the PayPal Service). You need to fill in your card details once, and the system charges monthly subscriptions automatically.

⚠️ All your data is secured, processed, and stored only on the Braintree side, which is fully secure and GDPR-compliant. You can read more about it here.​

Recurring payment

In Profile > Billing, you can find your billing cabinet, which contains the following sections:

General billing information

In this section, you can do the following:

  • See the main information about your current plan.

  • Change your plan.

  • Manage your payment method.

  • Change billing cycle.

  • Edit your profile.

  • 1: the information about your current plan.

    If you want to update your plan, you can do it yourself by clicking the Change plan button. On the appeared page, the system shows the descriptions of all available plans and the features they contain.

    To select the needed plan, click the Choose plan button.

    Affise allows you to select the billing cycle which suits you best. You can compare them and choose the best option for you. Here you can also view the information about the plan total price, the next payment date, and the day when the plan update takes place.

    After clicking the Pay & change plan button, the system creates the invoice for you.

  • 2: your payment method.

    By clicking the Change payment method button, you can set the needed payment method.

⚠️ If you linked a card, you cannot delete it. Braintree requires another card to be linked instead of the current one.

  • 3: additional features.

    To get detailed information about additional features, you should click the Setting button.

    There's the table of the features which are currently enabled for you or were previously enabled but then deactivated. You can easily renew your subscription by clicking the correspondent button in case you need this feature again. The manager contacts you and activates it.

  • 4: the information about your next payment.

    The next payment sum includes the cost of the plan and the additional features. In this section, you can also change the billing cycle.

  • 5: your profile information.

    You can edit your personal data in the profile.

⚠️ If you are a European company, you should add your VAT code. The system validates your VAT code automatically by using the following tools:


In the Documents table, there is the information about the contracts you signed with Affise. You can download them by clicking the Download button.

Payment history

In the Payment history table, you can find your processed invoices and download them for your internal billing reporting. You can also view the status (Draft, Ready, Paid, Unpaid, Paid partly), method, date, due date, and amount of the payment.

Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].

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