Product feed (XML feed) is an XML file that contains data about products from the advertiser’s catalog. It allows to streamline affiliate marketing processes, enhance campaign effectiveness, and drive traffic to your site.
You can use the product feed to create price comparison websites, online stores, and email newsletters with the description of products. Using your own or ready-to-use parsers and plugins, you alter the information from the XML file to the required format, upload it to your ad spaces, and form your own product catalogs.
Product feeds offer several key benefits:
Efficient link generation: affiliates can quickly find and display relevant product links without the time-consuming task of manually creating deep links for each product.
Access to product data: affiliates gain direct access to a vast repository of product details and pricing information, enabling them to search, filter, and display products in various ways to suit their audience and marketing strategies.
Improved conversion tracking: product feeds facilitate accurate conversion tracking, enabling advertisers to attribute sales to specific publishers and measure the effectiveness of their affiliate marketing efforts.
Product feeds on the Offer page
Once a product feed is added to the offer, in Offers > a certain offer > Product feeds, you see the following:
Product feed name: name assigned to the feed.
Update frequency: the frequency of the product feed data update.
From date: the date when the product feed starts being active.
Till date: the date when the product feed stops being active.
Last modified date: the time and date of the product feed last update.
Request and Generate: buttons to get a product feed file.
What to do next
Please contact the Affise Customer Support team regarding all raised questions via the e-mail: [email protected].